As the price of a college degree continues to rise, there"s growing evidence tha

As the price of a college degree continues to rise, there"s growing evidence tha

As the price of a college degree continues to rise, there"s growing evidence that the monetary(货币的) payoff isn"t quite as big as often advertised. The best estimate now is that a college degree is worth about $300,000 in today"s dollars--nowhere near the million figure that is often quoted.
"That million number has driven me crazy!" says Sandy Baum, a Skidmore economist who studied the value of a college degree for the College Board last year.
Baum"s research showed that college graduates earn, on average, about $20,000 a year more than those who finished their educations at high school. Add that up over a 40-year working life and the total differential is about $800,000, she figures. But since much of that bonus is earned many years from now, taking away the impact of inflation means that$800,000 in future dollars is worth only about $450,000 in today"s dollars.
Then, if you remove the cost of a college degree--about ,$30,000 in tuition and books for students who get no aid and attend public in-state universities--and the money a student could have earned at a job instead of attending school, the real net value in today"s dollars is somewhere in the $300,000 range, a number confirmed by other studies.
But, especially these days, that still makes a college degree one of the most lucrative investments a person can make, Baum notes.
 Better yet, college graduates can go on to earn advanced degrees, which return even bigger payoffs. The average holder of a bachelor"s degree earns about$51,000 a year, Baum calculates. But those who"ve gone on to earn MBAs, law degrees, or other professional degrees earn about $100,000 a year.
 In addition, Baum found that there are plenty of other rewards for a degree. The quality of the jobs college graduates get is far better, for example. College graduates are more likely to get jobs with health insurance. And it is easier for them to find and hold jobs. The unemployment rate for college graduates was just 2.2 percent last year, half the unemployment level of those with only high school diplomas.
There are lots of other nonmonetary benefits as well. College graduates are healthier, contribute more to their communities, and raise kids who are better prepared academically, studies show.
Other researchers have found that the payoff of a degree is especially lucrative for students from low-income families, since the education and degrees give them a chance to break out of low-paying careers.
小题1:What can be inferred from Para 1 ?
A.The payoff of a college degree is still big enough to match the advertised.
B.It’s more and more difficult to get a college degree.
C.The return of a college degree is less than often quoted.
D.A college degree is worth about one million dollars.
小题2:Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “lucrative” in Para.5?
A.attractive B.worthlessC.approachable D.balanced
小题3:How can a college graduate increase his or her yearly income according to the passage?
A.By getting jobs with health insurance immediately.
B.By going on for higher degrees.
C.By breaking out of low-paying jobs.
D.By contributing more to his or her community.
小题4:Which of the following statements can be learned from the text ?
A. According to Baum"s research, high school graduates earn more than those who have college degrees.
B. College education is enough to ensure you a good life.
C. Nonmonetary benefits from the degree attract students more than monetary ones.
D.Students from low-income families still think degrees are profitable to change their life.



小题1:C 段落大意题。根据第一段最后一句The best estimate now is that a college degree is worth about $300,000 in today"s dollars--nowhere near the million figure that is often quoted. 说明文章第一段讲述的是大学的学位能挣的钱不如人们以前认为的多。故C正确。
小题2:A 推理题。根据that still makes a college degree one of the most lucrative investments a person can make, Baum notes.说明仍然很有很多人把上大学当是最好的投资。故该词指吸引人的,有吸引力的。故A正确。
小题3:B 推理题。根据第六段 Better yet, college graduates can go on to earn advanced degrees, which return even bigger payoffs. The average holder of a bachelor"s degree earns about$51,000 a year, Baum calculates. But those who"ve gone on to earn MBAs, law degrees, or other professional degrees earn about $100,000 a year. 说明如果大学毕业生继续深造,取得更高的学历,那么他们会有更好的收入。故B正确。
小题4:D 推理题。根据文章最后一段Other researchers have found that the payoff of a degree is especially lucrative for students from low-income families, since the education and degrees give them a chance to break out of low-paying careers. 说明对于低收入家庭来说仍然认为读大学是改变生活的途径。故D正确。
There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me. I guess that would have been when I was about six or seven years old, just several weeks or maybe a month before the orphanage(孤儿院)turned me into an old man.
I would get up every morning at the orphanage, make my bed just like the little soldier that I had become and then I would get into one of the two straight lines and march to breakfast with the other twenty or thirty boys who also lived in my dormitory.
After breakfast one Saturday morning I returned to the dormitory and saw the house parent chasing the beautiful monarch butterflies who lived by the hundreds in the bushes scattered around the orphanage.
I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures, one after another, and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins through their head and wings,pinning them onto a heavy cardboard sheet.
How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty. I had walked many times out into the bushes,all by myself, just so the butterflies could land on my head,face and hands so I could look at them up close.
When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement(水泥)step and went inside to answer the phone. I walked up to the cardboard and looked at the one butterfly who he had just pinned to the large paper. It was still moving about so I reached down and touched it on the wing causing one of the pins to fall out.It started flying around and around trying to get away but it was still pinned by the one wing with the other straight pin.Finally its wing broke off and the butterfly fell to the ground and just trembled.
I picked up the torn wing and the butterfly and I spat on its wing and tried to get it to stick back on so it could fly away and be free before the house parent came back.But it would not stay on him.
小题1:The author set the living butterfly free because_______.
A.he liked it very much
B.he had sympathy for the beautiful butterfly
C.he couldn’t bear a butterfly dying in his favorite bushes
D.its wing broke off
小题2:According to the passage,the author’s life in the orphanage was_____.
A.dull and full of strict rules
B.simple and easy
C.happy and full of hope
D.hard and busy
小题3:What is the author’s attitude towards the house parent’s pinning some butterflies on the cardboard?
小题4:We know from the passage that_________.
A. the author lived alone in the dormitory
B. there were one hundred butterflies living in the bushes
C the cardboard paper was left on the step so as to be watched
D. the author failed to stick the worn wing onto the butterfly with his spit
小题5:Which of the following is right according to the passage?
A.I found beauty meant nothing special to me.
B.The house parent helped the children handle the quilt.
C.The house parent chased the butterfly in order to show it to the children.
D.I thought it cruel to catch the butterfly.

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She was dancing. My lame grandmother was dancing. I stood in the living room doorway, looking at her beautiful movements, absolutely shocked. She was the pet of the dancing world. And then she’d had her accident and it was all over. I had read that in an old newspaper article.
‘‘So… Your leg? I mean, how did your leg heal (恢复健全)?”
“To tell you the truth — my legs have been well all my life,” she sighed.
“But I don’t understand!” I said, “Your dancing career (事业)… You pretended all these years?”
‘‘Very much so, and for a very good reason.”
She thought for a while and then continued. “We were talking about engagement (订婚) when your grandfather had to go to war. I was so afraid of losing him that the only way I could stay normal was to dance. I put all my energy and time into practicing and I became very good. Critics praised me, the public loved me, but all I could feel was the ache in my heart, not knowing whether the love of my life would ever return. Then one day a letter came. There were only three sentences: ‘I have lost my leg. I am no longer a whole man and now give you back your freedom. It is best you forget about me.’’’
“I made my decision there and then. I traveled away from the city. When I returned I had bought myself a stick. I told everyone I had been in a car crash and that my leg would never completely heal again. My dancing days were over. No one doubted the story — I had learned to limp (一瘸一拐地走) convincingly before I returned home. And I made sure the first person to hear of my accident was a reporter I knew well. Then I traveled to the hospital. They had pushed your grandfather outside in his wheelchair. I took a deep breath, leaned on my stick and limped to him.”
“I showed him newspaper articles of my accident. ‘There is a whole life waiting for us out there! But I am not going to carry you. You are going to walk yourself.’”
“I limped a few steps toward him and showed him what I’d taken out of my pocket. ‘Now show me you are still a man.’ I said. He bent to take his stick from the ground and struggled out of that wheelchair. He managed it on his own and walked to me and never sat in a wheelchair again in his life.”
“What did you show him?” I had to know. Grandma looked at me and smiled. “Two engagement rings, of course. I had bought them the day after he left for the war and I was not going to waste them on any other man.”
小题1:What does the underlined word “it” in the first paragraph refer to?
A.Her accident.B.Her pet.C.Her leg. D.Her dancing career.
小题2:Which is the correct order of the following events according to the passage?
a. Grandfather lost his leg in the war.
b. Grandmother bought two engagement rings.
c. Grandfather was inspired to stand up on his own.
d. Grandmother pretended she was lame.
e. Grandmother became an excellent dancer.
f. Grandfather had to go to war.
小题3:Which of the following words can best describe grandmother?
A.Thoughtful and determined.B.Unselfish but stubborn.
C.Courageous but unreliable.D.Sensitive and dishonest.
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.The love of a disabled couple.B.The grandmother’s unconditional love.
C.The meaning of an engagement.D.The grandfather’s brave story.

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When I was a child, I had an old neighbour named Dr. Gibbs. He didn’t look like any other doctor I’ve ever known. He never  11__ at us for playing in his yard. I remembered him as a kind and  _12_ person
When Dr. Gibbs didn’t work, he planted trees. His house covered an area of ten acres, and his life’s goal was to make it _ 13_ .
He had some interesting _ 14 _ concerning planting. He belonged to the “No pains, no gains”  __15  of plant growing. He never watered his new trees. Once I asked  _16__, he said, “Watering plants will spoil them, and if you water them, each successive tree_ 17_ will grow weaker and weaker. So you have to make things 18__for them and weed out the weak ones.” So he never watered his trees. He would _19__a pine, and instead of _20__it every morning, he beat it with a rolled-up newspaper. I __21__ him why he did so, and he said it was to get the tree’s _22__.
I planted a couple of trees a few _23__ ago. I carried water to them for a solid summer, sprayed them and prayed over them. Two years of careful tending has _24__ in trees that expect to be _25__ to hand and foot. Whenever a cold wind blows in, they tremble their branches.
Dr. Gibbs passed away a _26__of years after I left home. Now and then, I walked by his house and looked at the trees. They’re _27__ now, big and healthy.
Funny things about Dr. Gibbs’ trees. Hardship and difficulty seemed to benefit them _28__
comfort and ease never could.
Life is tough, whether we want 29_ to be or not. Too many times we pray for ease, but that’s a prayer seldom met. What we need to do is to pray for 30_ that reach deep into the earth, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won’t be swept away.

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The other day I heard a few local musicians talking, "I hate all the pianos in this town and I hate that rubbish they play on the radio. They cannot even understand rhythm (韵律).""Nobody wants to pay musicians anything. I’m sick of all the people who want you to play without paying you.” One younger musician said, "There are a couple of clubs who want me to play for a few nights a month, and I’m trying to find other places to play. I’m also planning to join in several summer festivals this year." I really liked what the younger musician said so I made friends with him.
Attitudes are important. Whether they’re positive or negative (消极的), they’re all rubbing off on you. If you’re around people who are always complaining(抱怨) or blaming (责备) others, it is possible that you will start doing the same as well. If you spend lots of time with people who don’t support your dreams, it is time to take a look at the people you call "friends".
There is an easy exercise you can try. Make a list of the people who you often stay with, and simply stop spending time with the negative people on your list. Set a new standard for yourself and don’t become friends with people who fall below that standard. The choice is always yours to make. Of course, this exercise is entirely different from making friends only for the good of oneself. We really should try to help and spend time with those who are working towards a goal or dream.
小题1:The musicians’ conversation at the beginning is to show that ______.
A.musicians’ living conditions are not good
B.people in that town have poor taste in music
C.different people have different attitudes
D.young people are more likely to succeed
小题2: The underlined part "they’re rubbing off on you" in Paragraph 2 means ______.
A.they’ll push you aheadB.they’ll have an influence on you
C.they’ll keep you from moving onD.they’ll help you realize your dreams
小题3:Why did the author want to make friends with the younger musician?
A.He is more active than the others.
B.He can earn more than the others.
C.He has more things to do than the others.
D.His attitude is more positive than the others.
小题4:By doing the exercise mentioned in Paragraph 3, you can ______.
A.make the right kind of friends
B.improve your ability to make friends
C.develop a better relationship with your friends
D.make some new friends with the same interests as you
小题5:We can get the following information from the passage EXCEPT ______.
A.the younger musician is a positive person and would be a good friend will start complaining if one spends too much time with negative people
C.the exercise can help you keep close to really helpful friends should avoid making friends with people who have lots of difficulties

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The trip to that city was eye-opening for everyone, and near its end, all the young people in our group began to reflect on what it had meant. We   41  the first night we had arrived. We had all gone into the markets of the city   42  the young people could experience its energy. But what we actually saw simply   43  us all --- the rundown houses, the children in rags, the people begging for money… Walking home,   44  under a low bridge, we came across   45  families of homeless people seeking a bit of dry ground to sleep on   46  the night. We had to step over bodies as we found our way through the darkness.
The poverty was   47  than anything my young companions had ever imagined. Back in the hotel, an air of sadness settled over the group. Many   48  and cried. Spending time in this   49  moves a person to care about humanity.
That evening, our group spent hours talking about what we had   50  Gently, I encouraged everyone to talk about the difficult   51  that day’s discoveries had inspired. Sitting together   52  a circle as everyone had a chance to speak, we all began to realize that  53  of us was alone in our struggle to cope with our reactions.
Based on my   54  in poverty-stricken areas, I suggested that   55  the emotions we had were painful, they could also be important in helping us to move forward. We all   56  that we had seen things that should never be allowed to happen.   57  , what could we do about it? Together, we began to brainstorm ways we could help to ease the   58  we had seen. As I encouraged group members to focus on   59  they could do, a sense of determination  60  the previous sadness. Instead of despair, these young people began to feel a call to action.
A.put up back toC.looked back onD.made up for
小题2: ifD.even if
A.gave upB.broke downC.set offD.held on

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