The undersigned shareholders agree that they will not sell,pledge,assign,transfer,hypothecate,or otherwise dispose of the shares of stock owned by any of them,unless the shares of stock have been first offered to the corporation at a price computed on a pro rata basis according to Section 4(d) of this agreement.Any such offer shall be made in writing and shall remain open for the acceptance of the corporation for a period of no less than ______ days.Should the corporation accept the offer,it must agree in writing to purchase the entire amount of stock offered and shall make a down payment comprised of______% of the total purchase price.The remaining balance of the total purchase price shall be paid as provided for in Section 4(e) of this agreement.If the Corporation should choose not to purchase the shares within _______ days,the shares shall be offered to the remaining shareholders on the same pro rata basis as provided for in Section 4(d) of this agreement.Any such offer sha
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