American people like to say "Thank you" when other help them or say somethin
American people like to say "Thank you" when other help them or say somethin
American people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say something kind to them.People of many other countries do so,too.It is a very good habit.
You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table,when someone walking before you keeps the door open for you,when someone says you have done your work well,or you have bought a nice thing,or your city is very beautiful.
“Thank you” is used not only between friends,but also between parents and children,brother and sisters,husbands and wives.
“Excuse me” is another short sentence they use.When you hear someone say so behind you,you know that someone wants to walk past you.
It is not polite(有礼貌的) to break(打断) others while they are talking.If you want to speak to one of them,say “Excuse me” first,and then begin talking.You should also do so when you want to cough(咳嗽) or make any unpleasant noise before other
美国人喜欢在别人帮助他们、对他们和蔼的时候说“谢谢”.许多国家的人都这样,这是个很好的习惯. 当别人在饭桌上给你递上盐的时候,当别人走在你之前为你开门的时候,当别人赞赏你工作做的棒的时候,或者是别人给你买...
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