求pass,go through ,get through的区别当出现一个句子时我该用哪一个?,在句子中怎么区分?小哥
求pass,go through ,get through的区别当出现一个句子时我该用哪一个?,在句子中怎么区分?小哥
这3个词或词组,以get through最简单.
1.get through
a) to arrive at the end of; finish or complete.-- 进行到底了,完成了.
b) to succeed in making contact; reach -- 触及,成功接触.
c) to make oneself understood.- 被理解了
2.go through
a).To examine carefully,彻底检查,例:went through the students' papers.
b).To experience,经历,例:We went through hell while working on this project.
c).To perform,表演,例:I went through the sonata in 30 minutes.
稍微复杂一点在于,除了上面的固定搭配,go through还可以有一些变化:
i.(adverb) to be approved or accepted:the amendment went through.
ii.(preposition) to consume; exhaust:we went through our supplies in a day; some men go through a pair of socks in no time.
iii.= go over (preposition) to examine and revise as necessary:he went through the figures.
iv.(preposition) to suffer:she went through tremendous pain.
v.= go over (preposition) to rehearse:let's just go through the details again.
vi.= go over (preposition) to clean:she went through the cupboards in the spring-cleaning.
vii.(preposition) to participate in:she went through the degree ceremony without getting too nervous.
viii.(foll by:with) to bring to a successful conclusion,often by persistence
ix.(Journalism & Publishing) (preposition) (of a book) to be published in:that book has gone through three printings this year alone.
x.to proceed to the next round of a competition
3.pass 这个最复杂.因为它是个词,有n多意思,可以和n多搭配.
其中的一个用法,= go across,go through.这里的through,却不是一个固定搭配,纯粹和go作为不及物动词相连的介词,表示.In one side and out the opposite or another side of.这里的go已经回归本来的意思,就是类似walk.
pass的“过”,是物理空间或时间上的过,把一件事情放下,把一个地方或东西让过去.也许是绕过去的,也可能是get/go through,解决了“穿”过.总之,是抛到身后了.很笼统的说法,也因此变化可以很多.
--- 这么多,没谁都能记住,用着用着就习惯了.
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