Bill was a very good pilot.He had been in the air force for several years,and had been very successful.Now he was sent to a small field in the middle of a forest,from which planes were able to attack the enemy very easily,for it was near the front line,but difficult to find.The forest trees were very tall and very close on all sides,so planes had to go down very quickly and then stop their falling very carefully before they landed the ground.Only the best pilots were able to land safely,and evey some of those lost their planes and were killed because they hit the tress on the gound.
After Bill had arrived,he was not satisfied until he was able to fly closer to the trees than any of the other pilots,and soon all the pilots who used that field were trying to see each other at flying low over the forest.Every time one of their planes came back from the attact on the enemy,the other pilots used to run nearer and watch,to see how near the trees a pilot took it,if the succeeded
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