Fill in the missing words 非常急
Fill in the missing words 非常急
Read the following passage,then choose appropriate words from the word box and write the answer.
As the period fixed for our marriage drew nearer,whether from (Q1) or a prophetic feeling,I felt my heart sink within me.But I concealed my feelings by an appearance of (Q2),that brought smiles and joy to the countenance of my father,but hardly deceived the (Q3) and nicer eyes of Elizabeth.she looked forward to our marriage with (Q4) contentment,not unmingled with a little fear,which past misfortunes had impressed,that what now appeared certain and tangible happiness might soon (Q5) into an airy dream,and leave not trace but deep and everlasting regret.
(Q6)were made for the event' (Q7) visits were received,and all wore a smiling appearance.I shut up,as well as I could,in my own heart the anxiety that preyed there,and entered with seeming (Q8) into the plans of my father,although they might only serve as the decorations of my tragedy.Through my father's (Q9),a part of the inheritanc eof elizabeth had been restored to he rby the Austrian govemment.A small possession on the shores of Como belonged to her.It was agreed that,immediately after ou (Q10),we should proceed to Villa Lavenza,and spend out first days of happiness beside the beautiful lake near which it stood.
Word Box:
A hilarity
B ever-watchful
C congratulatory
D cowardice
E dissipate
F excertions
G union
H placid
I earnestness
J preparations
3) B
4) H
5) E
6) J
7) C
8) I
9) F
F 后的excertion误拼了,应该是exertion才对.
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