大概内容 :科技发达,机器人在未来是否完全替代人类?制造机器人是好是坏?可用自己观点进行论述.请用高中程度文化写哦,120词左右.复制别人的不给分!
With the development of science , more and more people are confused that whether it is good or bad to make robort. Are roborts going to take place of human beings.
Every coin has two side. Robort can be good to our society and life. At the same time,it also have some bad effect on our life.In my opinion, the advantages of robort are much more than the disadvantage of roborts.
First, roborts make our life more convenient. We can do many thing that we didn't have the ability to do in the past by using roborts.That makes our life more effective.
Second, roborts can be used in industry produce. Factories can reduce the cost of prodution by using roborts. Roborts do not need to eat and they will not be ill. That's very good for producing goods.
Third,roborts can save more people when disaster happens. Because they can't feel pain and they can save more people without feeling tired.
In a word, the world is changing .We should also change our thought to accept roborts to become part of our life . That can make our life more colorful.
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