

Unit 6 Man and Animals
Vocabulary (P254)
3. 1) survive 2) conflicts 3) available 4) likely 5) injuring
6) absorbed 7) competition 8) instinct 9) hesitated 10) similar
4. 1) ensure 2) population 3) characteristic 4) exhibit 5) defense
6) familiar 7) territory 8) case 9) minute 10) aggressive
Translation (P256)
1) She always behaves badly when her aunt comes to visit.
2) If it hadn’t been for your help, we wouldn’t have been able to finish the task in time.
3) I warned him off going to the east coast because it was full of tourists.
4) The fact that something is cheap doesn’t necessarily mean it’s of low quality.
5) Without anyone to turn to for help, making an appropriate choice can be difficult.
7) Only if Peter goes to the evening party will she go.
8) I can only compare the experience to a nightmare.
Writing and Translation
2. Translation practice (P279)
1) 这种理论的核心是:我们的环境同我们的本能、性格特征和行为,即使有什么联系的话,也是微不足道的.
Unit 7 They Joy of Travel
Vocabulary (P294)
1. 1) engagement 2) separating 3) influences 4) arranged 5) chosen
6) In case 7) processed 8) changes 9) benefited 10) go on
2. 1) end 2) booked 3) trapped 4) book 5) ended 6) appeal 7) trap 8) appeal
9) samples 10) structure 11) value 12) structured 13) sampled 14) process 15) valued 16) process
3. 1) A. emptied B. emptiness 2) A. terrified B. terrifying
3) A. entertaining B. entertainment 4) A. introductory B. introduction
5) A. employed B. employment 6) A. transform B. transformation
7) A. convinced B. convincing 8) A. approval B. approve
9) A. isolates B. isolation 10.A. reinforcement B. reinforced
Translation (P296)
1) I didn’t realize putting on/staging a play involved so much work.
2) The most important thing is not what you say but what you do.
3) This is the best result that can be expected in such circumstances.
4) It isn’t the first time that you’ve found yourself in such a situation.
5) This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer.
6) The new threat on the horizon is unemployment.
7) We have alternative ways of expressing the same idea.
8) He slipped into the old habit of drinking.
Writing and Translation
2. Translation practice (P320)
A. From English to Chinese
1) 悲观主义者的典型特征是他们往往认为坏事会持续很久,会损害他们所做的每一件事情,而且都是自己的过错.
2) 猴子回答说他确信自己有足够的力量同志天庭.
3) 好消息是并非A型行为的各个方面都同样有害.
4) 有观察表明,如果人们不被告知正在发生的事情,他们会变得更不耐烦.这是Larson研究的另一个课题.
5) 有时病人所需的只是一种安慰;一切都会好的.
B. From Chinese to English
1) The question to ask is not whether we should travel but where we should travel.
2) The distinctive feather of the island is that it is made up of pink coral.
3) The belief that he would win helped him go out of the desert.
4) The fact that the town had beautiful scenery and low expense made us overjoyed.
5) He wanted to find some evidence that the restaurant overcharged him.
Unit 8 Nature and Nurture
Vocabulary (P335)
1. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) C 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) B
2. 1) resemble 2) alike 3) Like 4) similar 5) same 6) Identical, same, alike
3. 1) absolutely 2) eventually 3) obviously 4) Similarly 5) remarkably 6) approximately 7) exclusively 8)actually
Writing and Translation
2. Translation practice (P365)
Unit 9 Music
Vocabulary (P386)
1. 1) stimulate 2) distract 3) qualify/be qualified 4) induce 5) accelerate
6) soothe 7) overtaken 8) wander 9) combine 10) commissioned
2. 1) C 2) D 3) A 4) C 5) A 6) C 7) C 8) A
Translation (P387)
1) I took advantage of the fine weather today to play tennis.
2) You may even swim in the lake—if you feel inclined to.
3) The loud music brought on another one of his headaches.
4) A careless person is apt to make mistakes.
5) The experiment resulted in the discovery of a cure for cancer.
6) Comparatively speaking, we are more concerned with work efficiency and product development.
7) Doctors said that surgery could induce heart attack.
8) I qualified/was qualified as a doctor at London University 30 years ago.
Writing and Translation
2. Translation practice (P409)
1) 音乐是人类的共同语言.——亨利W朗费罗(1807-18820,美国诗人
2) 音乐给人的启示超过哲学.——路德维希 范 贝多芬(1770-1827),德国作曲家
3) 在生命的黑夜中音乐是月光.——让 保罗 里彻 (1763-1825) ,德国作家
4) 音乐能洗涤灵魂,清除其日常生活的尘埃.——摘自《一百零一首最好的歌》
5) 人们用音乐来表达语言难以表达的情感.——埃尔伯特 哈伯德 (1856-1915),美国作家、编辑
6) 音乐真奇妙,它能平息胸中的怒气,软化坚硬的岩石,压弯长满节瘤的橡树.——威廉 康格里夫(1670-1729),英国戏剧家
7) 记忆中,所有的一切都似乎跟音乐有关.——田纳西 威廉斯(1974-1983),美国戏剧家
8) 借助音乐,孩童进入美的世界,表达内心的情感,品位创造的乐趣,增强同情心,发展智力,平和心境,陶冶情操,培养优雅的仪态.——美国全国儿童福利会,1927年
9) 人们相互表达心灵的和谐美妙所采用的最佳、最美、最理想的途径是音乐.——乔纳森 爱德华兹(1703-1758),美国传教士和神学家
10) 音乐的力量是无法抗拒的,它的功劳数不胜数;任何灵魂工程师都很少能像音乐一样激起人们的爱心,唤醒人们平和的心境,促进人们之间的友谊.——威廉斯 萨克雷(1811-1863),英国小说家
Unit 9 Music
Vocabulary (P423)
1. 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) A 6) B 7) A 8) A 9) A 10) B
2. 1) Judging fro m 2) regardless of 3) In my opinion 4) Now that
5) let alone 6) lost touch with 7) at peace with 8) get along with
3. 1) inherited from 2) distracts… from 3) confronted with 4) probe 5) regardless of/ in spite of
6) perceive 7) have identified 8) make up 9) limitations 10) genius
Translation (P425)
1) When he returned to his office, he was confronted with an enormous pile of work.
2) The captain of this football team scored two wonderful goals early on in the game.
3) provided they are fit, I don’t know why they won’t go on playing for another three or four years.
4) In emergencies he can still make sound judgments.
5) While I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.
6) He went on listening to her, at times impatient and at times fascinated.
7) We must find a way to resolve these problems before it is too late.
8) Parents cannot always have the school of their choice for their children.
Writing and Translation
2. Translation practice (P452)
A. 岁月可以在皮肤上留下皱纹,但是热情的丧失却会让灵魂生长皱纹.忧虑、恐惧、缺乏自信只会让人胸无大志,变成一堆行尸走肉.无论是60岁还是16岁,每个人都会被好奇所吸引,都会对未来、对人生这场游戏带给我们的欢乐怀着孩子般永不消减的渴望.在你我心灵的深处都有一个无线电台:只要它不停地从人群中、从无限的时空中接受美好、希望、激励、勇气和力量的信息,你我就都会年轻.
B. 1) 老年远不只是头上有白发,脸上有皱纹,也不只是一种感觉.真正的不幸不在于身体的虚弱,而在于心灵的冷漠.
2) 人的青春是美妙的:它充满着痛苦和魔力,青年人在当时并不知道什么是青春,只有当它永远地消失时,他才真正明白.
3) 我认为那些有强烈的非个人性兴趣爱好又参与各种适当活动的人最容易做好颐养天年.
4) 当青春逝去时,每个人都会带着无限的悲哀和悔恨回首人生那段时光.他这时才知道,他曾经拥有非凡的才能,却浪费了;曾经拥有大笔的财富,却未曾利用,从中什么也没有得到.


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