《马达加斯加1 》经典句子
《马达加斯加1 》经典句子
-【That was beautiful~~~】
-【U are one in a million. 】
-I love U, Gloria, I always have!(Gloria狂打鼾,Melman被Alex和Marty瞪视)...like love the beach...or a a a good book...or the beach...
-We should be up and running in, say, 【six to nine months
-Sixty nine months?!
-No, six to nine months.】
-We have all the parts we needs, but we're slightly behind scedule.
-How slightly?
【-Six to nine years.
-Sixty nine years?!
-No, six to nine years.】
-Monday, Joe, Wednesday no Joe.
Manhattan is short on two things, parking and hippos.
-I will give him~a kiss of life~
-【My son's a king.】我儿子是王者.
-【Just come straight from the heart, U'll never go wrong.】
-If we can make it there, we can make it everywhere.
-If you can do it, we can do it, 【it's in our blood!】
-I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we're landing immediately. The bad news is, we're crash-landing.
-Who'd leave a perfectly good head laying alone.
-Anyway, where were we?
-I am 'huge'.
-Know what makes you special? These guys are white with black stripes. You're black with white stripes.
-I just want you to know, back at the zoo, it was never the doctors or prescriptions that kept me going. It was always you. Seeing you everday, that's what kept me going.
-Maternity leave? (低下头从桌子底下望了一眼猴子) U're all males!
-Marty, I can look into your eyes, and I know it's you.
- 英语口语语调怎样把握?
- 秦岭淮河一线是我国东部重要的地理分界线,下列现象体现南北差异的是1华北平原种植小麦为主,太湖平原种植水稻为主2黄河冬季结冰,钱塘江不结冰3夏季高温多雨,冬季低温少雨4北方适合滑雪运动,南方适合游泳运动
- 西北风猛烈的吹着,把窗户吹开了.把这句话变成拟人句
- 英语翻译 空白市场的开发
- 急! 几道高中语法题 谢谢了
- What language do (the) people speak in these countries?
- 威尼斯的小艇:假如你坐在小艇上游览威尼斯,会有怎样的感受
- 某单位为解决职工午餐,联系了两家快餐公司,两家快递公司的报价、质量和服务承诺都相同,且表示优惠:甲公司表示每份按报价的90%收费,乙公司表示购买100份以上部分按报价的80%收费,问应选择哪家快餐公司
- (数学)1987年7月11日世界人口达到50亿,联合国将7月11日定为“世界人口日”;1992年的“世界人口日”全球(数学)1987年7月11日世界人口达到50亿,联合国将7月11日定为“世界人口日”
- 用英语解释句子4.good to see you again.