Books-My Best Teachers
My people like to read books; me too,books are my best teachers.My mum is the one who has developed my interest in stories.
Since I was a infant,mum been reading to me stories about Snow White,Alice in Wondered,Mickey Mouse before I go to bed every night,during reading I make a lot of friends,new and old,including Hamlet,Harry Potter and some other friends,reading has given me so much fun!
Thanks to the books that I have read.Books help to open my eyes and my minds,books often give me ideas.
Good books are like good teachers in the big wide world,they tell me what is right or wrong,true or false,beautiful or ugly.
My people like to read books(My people like reading books); me too,(so do i),books are my best teachers.My mum is the one who has developed my interest in stories.Since I was a (an)infant,mum (have) b...
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