1.We enjoyed our trip to Blue Water (A )very much because we are interested in sea animals.

1.We enjoyed our trip to Blue Water (A )very much because we are interested in sea animals.

1.We enjoyed our trip to Blue Water (A )very much because we are interested in sea animals.
1.We enjoyed our trip to Blue Water (A )very much because we are interested in sea animals.
2.There’s going to be a (c )given by Lang Lang in the theater tonight.
3.When they play chess,she s always the loser and her brother often(b )her.
4.My mother is out,so I have to(b )my little sister.
5.Nick (f )it was Sunday and he went to school as usual.
6.“Can you tell me the(r )of the English test?”Peggy asked.
7.(M )he should lie down and rest when he has a sore back.
8.My favorite TV program is the (s )as yours.
9.There is an(i )language school in the city.You can learn English,French,Japanese and other languages here.
10.Basketball is one of my favorite (a )after school.
11.Could you take a photo for us?Here isthe (c ).
12.Bill Gates is a (s )businessman.
13.School (s )at 7:30,and I usually get to school at 7:15.
14.Jack was very(h ),we couldn't have done the job without him
1 aquarium
2 concert
3 beat
4 babysit
5 forgot
6 result
7 maybe
8 same
9 international
10 activity
11 camera
12 sucessfull
13 stars


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