有关家乡气候的英语对话 两个人的,字数要120个词,
有关家乡气候的英语对话 两个人的,字数要120个词,
A:What a gorgeous day today!B:Yes,But for me.I feel a little bit cold.I miss the climate in my hometown.A:Oh?What's the kind of climate in your hometown?B:My hometown is in Kaiping Guangdong.There are four very obvious seasons in it.But generally speaking,it's not that cold as here.A:Yeah,usually the climate in south China is warm.So what is your favorite season?B:I like autumn the most.Because it's not cold or hot.And I like the leaves change color and the cool wind blow on my face.I feel good in this weather.A:Yes,I like that climate,too.By the way,have you noticed that the weather change quickly and extremely last time?B:Of course,months ago,the storm and the heavy rain,right?A:Yes,that's the one.B:There was raining cats and dogs that day.And the weather change to so cold immediately.And there were flood in some areas.A:Yes,you're right.
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