

When my family moved to Ohio over the summer,I feared attending another new school and knowing no one because I was able to expect what was coming.I had bright red hair and enormous glasses.In addition,I was overweight and not very sociable.
Boarding the school bus that first day,I felt like all eyes on me.I could hear the whispers "She's huge!" Obviously,the kids on the bus had known each other well.I spent that first bus ride in silence.
The following day was even worse.I did not notice that a few boys had tied a shoelace across the aisle and thus fell face first on the bus,dropping everything I was carrying.While I was embarrassingly gathering my supplies,I could hear the laughter,and then the comments "That felt like an earthquake!" Anyway,I managed to find a seat.Looking out of the window,I held back the tears welling up in my eyes.
It was then that I sank into myself.I began walking everywhere.I would wander through the woods behind our house.I would also walk to a church about two miles down the road,where I would chat silently with God.I began missing the afternoon school bus on purpose,walking home instead.Then,unexpectedly,I started losing weight.And as I became content with myself,I began making friends.
One of my newly-found friends also struggled with her weight,wanting to be a "perfect" cheerleader.She lived near my neighborhood so we would meet and walk together.This became a daily activity with talking and laughing along the way---different from the lonely walks I had taken.My friend said that I didn't have to be perfect.I just had to be me,and be happy with myself.
While I would not want to relive that time of loneliness,sadness and embarrassment,I am proud I made it through.Whenever I am struggling with any other problem in life,I always remember the proverb “This too shall pass.” If you can find a path with no obstacles,it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.
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This too shall pass 是文章的题目
每当我想起曾经的孤独、伤心、窘迫的时候,我感到自豪的是我终过挺过来了.每当我在生活中遇到困难的时候,我会想起这个警句,一切终成为过去,如果你发现你面前没有困难,那可能是一条死路. 文章中心,if we can confront ...


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