there are many buildings in the world.they are tall or short.这篇短文全部在线等
there are many buildings in the world.they are tall or short.这篇短文全部在线等
There are many buildings in the world.Some are tall and some are short.They are usually made of stones,bricks (砖块) and many other things.But some people make some special buildings as small works of art.They are beautiful and surprising.There is a building made of poker cards (扑克牌).It is made of at least 1,800 poker cards.It is 7.86 metres tall.It took the maker about a month to finish it.The maker made the building only by putting one card on another and he didn’t use any glue.When you go to see this building,you can’t sneeze,or the building will fall down.There are also some buildings made of toothpicks (牙签).They are models of some famous buildings,like Big Ben and Tower Bridge.There are about six million toothpicks in one of those buildings.They are amazing.
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