In what way is the bombing of Nagasaki the fitter symbol of the nuclear danger
In what way is the bombing of Nagasaki the fitter symbol of the nuclear danger
answer in english,thanks
1.The bombing of Nagasaki destroys the existing human civilization.
For the whole city of Nagasaki was devestated by nuclear bomb in a blink.
2.The incidence of Nagasaki also demonstrates the unpredictability of the possible nuclear attacks.For,at the very beginning,Nagasaki was not the original aim of the nuclear attack.But,just with a tiny adjust,Nagasaki,finally,suffered all the horrible and terrible consequence it didn't deserve.
So,all in all,the bombing of Nagasaki is the fitter symbol of the nuclear danger,reminding the world of potential nuclear menace.
Thank you for your question and I Love You.Mua
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