先看短文:Tom is seven years old.He goes to school every day.The school is near his home .So he walks and comes back home on time.But today he is late .His mother asks him."Why are you late today?“I was in my teacher's office.""Why did you go there " His mather asks."Because Ms May asked us a question in class,and nobody could answer it ,but I could."says Tom."Really?It's good to answer the teacher's question.What is it?" Tom's mother looks happy.Tom's face is getting red."Mum,may I not say it?""Tell me ,please.What is the question?""The question is:Who put glue on my desk?1、Why is Tom late gor home today?2、What question did the teacher ask?3、According to the question"Who put giue on my desk",what do you know?4、Do you think mother is happy or not when she knows the teacher's question?
1.He is in his teacher's office.2.:Who put glue on her desk?3.Tom put glue on his teacher's desk.4.She will be not happy when she knows the teacher's question.
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