Lesson5 Sailing Alone
In 1996,Subaru Takahashi sailed alone across the Pacific Ocean.Many other people did this before Subaru,but he was special.At age 14,he was the youngest person to sail across the Pacific by himself.
Subaru left Tokyo on July 22,1996.His boat was 30 feet (9 meter) long.In the boat,he had a two-month supply of food and water.He also had a radio and other modern equipment for sailing.
The beginning of the trip went very well.Subaru often talked to his parents by radio,He didn’t have any problems with his boat.Then,on August 11,the engine in his boat quit.Suddenly,Subaru was without electricity.This affected his navigation equipment.Then,five days later,his radio quit.Now he wasn’t able to communicate with anyone.And he was still 2770miles (4490 kilometers) away from his destination-San Francisco.
By the end of August,many people believed that Subaru was lost.No one was able to contact him by radio.His parents expected him to arrive in San Fra
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