英语,..用 it 开头改写句子.
英语,..用 it 开头改写句子.
1.Her sisters offered to pay her fare .That was generous of them.
2.Her brother invited her to stay.That was very kind of him.
3.You found your waller.That is lucky.
4.You couldn't find a less expensive hotel .That is a pity.
5.To walk in the garden is pleasant.
6.To pronounce a long word is often difficult.
7.To learn a foreign language is very important.
1.it was generous of her sisters to offer to pay her fare2.it was very kind of him to invite her to stay.3.it is lucky for you to found your wallet4.it is a pity that you counldn;t find a less expensi...
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- the teacher asked us _________.
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- 捡了芝麻后一句,败事有余前一句,焉得虎子前一句
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