关键词:favorite subiect,work hard ,practise reading,speaking ,listening,writing,keep on doing,remember works ,listrn to.,watch english videos,talk in english
Dear Jim
How are you? This is Snow from China. Last time you asked me about how I study English. Well, because English is my favorite subject I am highly motivated to study and improve it. My English is good not because of my natural talents, but because of my hard work. I practice reading and speaking by reading out loud from a novel for at least thirty minutes everyday. I listen to English speaking music and write poems and lyrics. And as long as you keep on doing it, you will get better at the language. I also try to memorize literature works such as famous essays and poems. I also watch a lot of English videos from comedy shows to movies. Lastly, I also talk to my friends in English to improve my vocabulary and speaking abilities. It seems like a lot of work, but once you start doing it, it becomes an enjoyable habit.
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- 一个物体从某一高度做自由落体运动,已知它第1s内的位移为它最后1s内位移的一半,g取10m/s2,则它开始下落时距地面的高度为( ) A.5 m B.11.25 m C.20 m D.31.25 m
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- 好纠结,虽然题目有些长,请耐心看,
- 第一问:
- 为什么雨过天晴就会出现彩虹?
- 以“生命”开头,仿写两个句子 还有什么?