If you struggle against figures,maybe you were born that way,research has suggested.Being good at mathematics may be entirely pre-destined—you either have it 16 you don’t.And those who find 17 difficult to add up the number shouldn’t feel too hopeless—mathematical talent does not appear to be linked to all-round intelligence.Previous research has indicated that"number sense"is 18 (base) to humans.number of seats in a cinema or crowd We use it to estimate such things as 19 sizes.U.S.psychologists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore made their finding after testing children too young to have been taught mathematics.During the study,200 four-year-olds 20 (study) in terms of number senses,calculation skills and language and maths vocabulary.The verbal test was done for the reason 21 abilities are thought to be 22 (close) linked through general intelligence."Unlike 23 previous studies proved,this one shows that the link 24 number sense and maths ability is already present
我没看全文 一开始我也填的是were studying .但是study不仅有学习的意思还有“研究的意思”我已开始想哪里有“被学习”这种鬼话 但是一想“被研究”应该可以成立.看了文章的第一句.If you struggle against figures,...
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