1、This is an intersting city ( ) a very colorful history A、has B、there c、with
1、This is an intersting city ( ) a very colorful history A、has B、there c、with
2、There ( ) some European influenct in the cty.
A、have B、are
3、I've been learning a lot about my family history ( ) i came to china.
A、when B、since
4、it was very interesting for me to learn that a lot of jews came to love in Harbin many years ago (翻译)
5、My parents wents were so ( ) when i told them about this.
A、sueprise B、surprising
6、The first jews probably came to kaifeng more than a thousand years ago and were welcomed by the song Emperor.(翻译)
7、I've been studying for over two years.
= I've been studying ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
1.C 2.(单词有误influenct,如果这个单词为复数选B,单数选A) 3,B 4.对我来讲,发现许多年前很多犹太人喜欢到哈尔滨居住是非常有意思的(love应该是live吧老兄?)
5.C 6.第一批犹太人可能早在一千多年以前就到了开封,(人们)用一首叫:“帝王”的歌曲来欢迎.
7.for more than two years
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