分析短文 有什么重要的语法点
分析短文 有什么重要的语法点
Many of today’s college students are suffering from a form of shock.
x05Lisa is a good example of a student in shock.She is an attractive,intelligent twenty-year-old college__1___ at a state university.Now,only three years later,Lisa is miserable.She has __2___ her major four times and is forced to hold down two part-time jobs in order to pay her tuition.She suffers from sleeping and eating disorders and has no ___3___friend.Sometimes she bursts out crying for no ___4___reason.
x05What is happening to Lisa happens to millions of college students each year.As a result,roughly one-quarter of the student population at any time will suffer from ___5___ of depression.Half of them will experience depression intense enough to call for __6___help.But many of them ___7___the idea because they don’t want people to think there’s something wrong with them.
x05There are two reasons today’s college students are suffering more than those in earlier generations.First is
1. (E)junior
2. (B) switched
3. (I)intimate
4. (F) apparent
5. (G) symptom
6. (K)professional
7. (J) decline
8. (D) structure
9. (M) financial
10. (L) consequently
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