Since October 11,hunan TV program "where dad" immediately come to a horse by ratings in the fourth quarter of the undisputed dark horse."Dad" why effect instantly across television screens?Cute babies and at a loss,in my opinion,the star of dad,how not to move people's hearts?This program will be so,because it is concerned about the social hot spots of now:a lot of people put the center of gravity of the life in the make more money and the pursuit of fame fortune,and neglect and relationship between family members in the spiritual level.Of course I think the most important still is the program's own innovation.There are many highlights in form,the program.Bright spot is a celebrity fathers will star dads as a selling point caught their loyal fans in the first place.Many people want to know,when the stars in front of the screen to return to real life play the role of a father what happens?The audience is full of expectation.In addition,the audience began to next season which would be a father and his children came to the show with a lot of questions and curious.It is also to ensure the program ratings.Highlight 2 is the most lovely children of children on the show,they won't go to care about their face the camera say,do your own actions.They were real and lovely,they reveal's temperament is not posing in adults.Light said that would be enough to attract the public to love her children.Children make them laugh,let them try so hard,let they touched,let their heart of love.Highlight three is everywhere is love the family,it is a best playing CARDS.In addition,look from the entire program form,it is a matter of exposure to the narrative style to solve the problem.That in itself would be firmly attract the attention of the audience,let it be single-minded sitting in front of the screen.All in all,the show did fire,because it's true.Let us feel love through this program,learn to love.
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