Directions:From the choices given,choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the italicized part i
Directions:From the choices given,choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the italicized part in the sentence.
1.Just before taking off,the pilot once more asked about weather conditions.
a.inquired b.required
c.requested d.demanded
2.The driver stopped at the crossroad as the traffic lights flashed red.
a.pulled off
b.pulled up
c.pulled away
d.pulled round
3.The other houses nearby got old and shabby,and that reduced the value of his house.
a.cut out b.cut up c.cut into d.cut off
4.Foreigners can change their money into the local currency at this bank.
a.transform b.alter
c.vary d.convert
5.After several days’ discussion,the committee developed a plan to encourage the export of industrial products.
a.extended b.enlarged c.conceived d.realized
1. A 询问
2. B 停车
3. C 降低
4. D 兑换
5. B 扩大
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