[ HwangHooBin Royal Jelly Cream ] 50g
This enriched nutrition cream contains proven caviar extract for skin rejuvenating effect and royal jelly extract for revitalizing and rejuvenating the skin cell effect to protect and soothe the exhausted,damaged skin from various kinds of pollutants.This cream takes skin firmer and smoothes out from the finger tip to skin with sleek,comfortable,and highly moisturizing feels.
[ HwangHooBin Royal Jelly Essence ] 50ml
This highly concentrated essence,with proven caviar extract for skin rejuvenating effect and royal jelly extract for revitalizing and rejuvenating the skin cell effect,protects and soothes the exhausted,damaged skin from various kinds of pollutants.By maintaining hydration on skin level for a long lasting time,this essence nourishes and clears up the skin tone at the same time to take bright,smooth,moist skin for best radiance
[ HwangHooBin Royal Jelly Eye Cream ] 30g
This eye cream,with traditional oriental
一样一样说吧:1.HwangHooBin Royal Jelly Cream ----------HwangHooBin(这个是牌子)蜂皇胶抗皱霜2.HwangHooBin Royal Jelly Essence -------HwangHooBin蜂皇胶抗皱精华3.(我就不打英文了哈,直接打中文)HwangHoo...
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