

Looking over my own school days,there are so many things that I would rather not to tell.However,I will use very little time and space to tell what I am willing for the public should know about my early history.The very baginning of my schooling is still fresh in my mind.
I began my educational career in a pribate school.Finding that other great men had done that way,my parents began early to look around for a good private school where I couldbegin in the best way to get my head full of hard words and information.The school life was interesting and impressive.
For a time I learnt very rapidly.Learning came to me with very little effort at first.I would read my lesson over once or twice and then take my place in the class.It never bothered me to recite my lesson and so I stood at the head of the class.I could stick my big toe through a knot-hole in the floor and work out the most difficult problem.This finally became a habit with me.
A large red-headed boy,with feet like a summer squash and eyes like those of a dead codfish,was may rival.He soon discovered that I was very dependent on that knot-hole.One night he stole into the school house and plugged up the knot-hole,so that I could not work my toe into it and thus refresh my memory.
Then the large red-headed boy,who had not formed the
knot-hole habit,went to the head of the class and remained there.I didn't stay
in that school for a long time,because my family moved to another city and my
father got a new job there.The school life there is so inpressive that I always
mention in when I think of my schooling.Though I didn't remember the name of
the large red-headed boy,his existence encouraged me a lot in my study.
回首我的学生时代,感觉有许多事我无从说起.但我还是愿意用我最少的时间最短的话来告诉各位,因为我觉得这是你们应该了解的.对学生时代的经历我依然记忆犹新. 我是在一所私立学校念书的,发现许多伟人都那样做.我的父...


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