A teacher is talking to his students a_______the ancient Romans."They are strong,brave p_____,"he says,"Thry always w_____ to have stong bodies,so they play lots of games.""Do they like s_____?" One of the girls asks."Oh,yes,one of them swims a lot."The teacher answers.Then he t_____a story about a famous Roman."There is a big river in the m_____ of Rome."He says."And this m_____ sims across it three times every day before breakfast."The girl laughs when she hears this."Why are you I_____?"The teacher asks the girl."Do I say anything funny?""Well,sir"
The girl answers."W______ doesn't he swim across the river four times,to get back h_____clothes again?"
1about 2people 3 want 4 swimming 5 told 6 middle 7 man 8 laughing 9why 10 his
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