How to check the result of call function EDI_DATA_
How to check the result of call function EDI_DATA_
I use FM EDI_DATA_INCOMING in my program to start IDoc processing.Is there a way to check if IDoc processing was successfuly after the call of this FM?It doesn't have any exception parameter I'm not 100% sure if sy-subrc = 0,it means that the processing was fine.However IDOC0FRM uses it the same way:Code:Select all* run inbound processing for new path and IDoc file* PATH = NEW_PATH.CALL FUNCTION 'EDI_DATA_INCOMING' EXPORTING PATHNAME = NEW_PATH PORT = EDUNIX-SNDPOR EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.MESSAGE S286.ENDIF.Did anyone use this FM?Any idea/ experience?Thanks in advance,Incho
Hi Incho,In the scenario that i have worked on the FM EDI_DATA_INCOMING was trigerred using the startrfc.exe.This FM triggers the posting program for the relevant partner profile and the processing is...
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