A college graduate has a beautiful dream that has a happiness life.One day,he went out,he wanted to find a best job.He came to a small company,but he did not enter the building,he sat on bench with a newspaper.He thought the boss need him so he wait and wait,but no one noticed him.A man said to him:’ Don’t waste time,you should go into the building and ask a job’ when he sat here.’ Oh,you should be go bananas!Why don’t he to ask me to work for him?’ The man heard it and felt a little under the weather.He said:’ don’t play with fire,if you do this,you’ll have lemons’ The young man still sit on the bench and he whispered:’ Nothing at all,it’s hot air,I don’t believe I can’t find a nice job and have a happiness life,it’s as easy as pie!’ That the man said:’ Don’t believe that the God drive you on the wall,it will happen,but you don’t know when and where have it done.’ Original,the man is the company’s boss and he wanted the young man to work for him,but he thought the y
嗯 我能帮你修改 但是我不知道文中说的felt a little under the weather,be go bananas, have lemons,hot air是什么意思?我真的不是很明白!你能马上告诉我的话 我就能很快帮你改好!这篇文章的错误实在是...!
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