When you go to a university from a senior middle school,you will find that you have very more free t

When you go to a university from a senior middle school,you will find that you have very more free t

When you go to a university from a senior middle school,you will find that you have very more free time.What would you do use the time?To take a part-time job?To read some useful book?Or,to take exercise your body?
Someone consider that we should take a part-time job.Beacause,a part-time job can give us some knowledge which can’t study from shool,and apart-time job can give me some experience in society,we can easily go to work after university career end.
Others consider that we shouldn’t take a part-time job wastes our time,as a student,we must take attention to hard study.If we take a part-time job,we will don’t have more time to study and we lost more than get.
I consider that we should take a part-time job,but,we don’t pay our all time for this job,we must use more time to hard study.
After you enter a university from a senior middle school,you will find that you have more free time.How would you do use that extra time?Get a part-time job?Read some useful books?Or take up some form of exercise to ensure healthy living?
Many consider taking up part-time jobs because a part-time job is thought to be able to provide one with knowledge that cannot be gained from school.Also,part-time jobs can provide work experience,making it easier for one to enter society after completing his tertiary education.
However,there are others who feel that part-time jobs are a waste of time and that a student's main focus should ultimately be studying.These people believe that having a part-time job would result in less time for studying and thus have disastrous effects.
I personally believe that it is alright to have a part-time job as long as we are able to strike a balance between working and studying.


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