Any common features between the platformimplementation of a command are discussed and compared against the SQL2003section.Thus the subsection on a platform’s implementation of a particularcommand may not describe every aspect of that command,since some of itsdetails may be covered in the SQL2003 section.Please note that there is akeyword that appears in a command’s syntax but not in its keyword description,this is because we chose not to repeat description that appear under the ANSI entry.
Any common features between the plat form implementation of a command are discussed and compared against the SQL 2003 section.Thus the subsection on a platform’s implementation of a particular command may not describe every aspect of that command,since some of its details may be covered in the SQL 2003 section.Please note that there is a keyword that appears in a command’s syntax but not in its keyword description,this is because we chose not to repeat description that appear under the ANSI entry.
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