英语作文 my future 最好可以加上自我介绍
英语作文 my future 最好可以加上自我介绍
my future 是关于成为一名作家或者梦想环游世界
要点:为什么要成为作家或环游世界 如何实现这个梦想、
Everyone cares about his own future,so do I.As for my future,I wish to be a writer or a traveller travelling all around the world.I wish to be a write because I could express what's inside my mind through the magic words and I believe some people will surely feel my emotions hidden in my words,which could be the most fantastic thing in the world!And the reason why I wish to be traveller is that I could go to see many different places,meet various kinds of people and also enjoy all those different cultures in different areas.I can see and experience the things that I have never seen or done before.
To realize my dream in my future,I have to study hard,or even harder from now on and try to read as many books as possible.
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