给下列词语选择合适的图片。1. sociable and outgoing2. generous (慷慨的)3. mean (吝啬的)4. rebellious

给下列词语选择合适的图片。1. sociable and outgoing2. generous (慷慨的)3. mean (吝啬的)4. rebellious


1. sociable and outgoing
2. generous (慷慨的)
3. mean (吝啬的)
4. rebellious (叛逆的)
5. confident
6. superstitious (迷信的)
7. vain (自负的)
8. sympathetic (有同情心的)
9. lazy
10. independent
1-5  EJCGI  6-10  ADHFB
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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come up with.  get along with,  come top,  in front of,  take a long walk,  without permission,  introduce…
1. I"m afraid I can"t p_____ get away tonight.
2. Lao She was a famous Chinese a_____ .
3. I hope to pass the f_____ exam at the end of the year.
4. He made an a_____ to see his doctor that morning.
5. I was a_____ to finish my work.
用must,might, could,can"t填空。
1. The toy _____ be Bob"s. He is the only little kid.
2. The beautiful trousers _____ be Jim"s. They are too long.
3. The football _____ be Wei Hua"s or Tian Hui"s. They both play football.
4. The earrings _____ be Janie"s. She wears earrings sometimes.
5. The textbook _____ belong to Tom. It has his name on it.
1. Many old things are on display in the museum.    
[     ]

A. sold      
B. on sale      
C. on show    
D. open

2. We failed to watch the final match.  
[     ]
A. caught    
B. missed      
C. kept        
D. wanted to watch
3. I don"t care about whatever you do.   
[     ]
A. no matter what    
B. wherever
C. ever      
D. no matter where
4. There is lots of rain in this area.    
[     ]
A. many    
B. plenty of    
C. a few      
D. a number of
5. They"re having a great time in Hong Kong.    
[     ]
A. having a good rest    
B. enjoy themselves    
C. enjoying themselves    
D. having a good break
1. like(反义词)
2. late(最高级形式)
3. fisherman(复数形式)
4. energetic(名词形式)
5. sink(过去分词)