据汉语提示及句子意思,在句中横线上填入适当的单词或词组(每空限填一词)。1. _________ (六月) is the 6th month of the ye

据汉语提示及句子意思,在句中横线上填入适当的单词或词组(每空限填一词)。1. _________ (六月) is the 6th month of the ye

据汉语提示及句子意思,在句中横线上填入适当的单词或词组(每空限填一词)。1. _________ (六月) is the 6th month of the year, between May and July.
2. Can you give me some pieces of _________ (建议) on how to learn English well?
3. The woman doesn"t feel _________ (孤独) although she lives alone. She often chats with her friends online.
4. —What"s your hobby, Philip? ——I like collecting paintings. Do you _________ (分享) my interest?
5. Every year, many people get hurt or lose their lives in traffic _________ (事故).
6. "You should _____ _____ (上交) your homework before school is over," our teacher said to us.
7. Daniel is raising money to build a new village school. Let"s make his dream _____ _____ (实现).
8. I live near my office. So I walk to work_____ _____ (代替) going by car.
9. _____ _____ (多亏) the government"s efforts, the city of Longyan is becoming more and more beautiful.
10. We were late for the meeting because the car which we rented _____ _____ (抛锚).
1. June   2. advice   3. lonely  4. share  5. accidents
6. hand / turn in  7. come true   8. instead of
9. Thanks to  10. broke down / was broken / didn"t work
请根据所给首字母或中文提示,写出单词在句中的正确形式。每空只能填一词。1. My brother"s schoolbag is small, but Jim"s is b______.
2. Look! That is my lovely c______. It"s running after a mouse.
3. Please o______ the door and come in.
4. Miss Qin is a good t______. She teaches English well.
5. Don"t ride your bike too f______ in the street. It"s very dangerous.
6. Boys and girls, please take out your ______ (钢笔) and write down the new words.
7. — How about this ______ (红色的) skirt? — It"s vey nice. I will take it.
8. A girl from a primary school in Guilin was very ______ (幸运的) to get a free ticket
    to the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.
9. When you ______ (接受) a present, you must use both hands. It"s a traditional custom in China.
10. The villagers ______ (庆祝) the Dragon Boat Festival by having a dragon boat race last Wednesday.
题型:广西自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
根据句意及词首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。 1. Please give me something to drink. I"m t________ .
2. Time is knowledge and time is money. Don"t w________ it, please.
3. Lin Tao"s biggest d________ is to enter Tsinghua University, so he is working hard all the time.
4. We live in a flat with three ________ (卧室).
5. My parents always ________ (鼓励) me to practice English every day.
题型:海南省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
选择与下列各题中画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。 1. Marica called him three times yesterday,but nobody answered. A. visited
B. told
C. phoned 2. My cousin gave up the chance of working abroad and returned to his hometown. A. opportunity
B. challenge
C. experience 3. He finds watching English movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly. A. boring
B. difficult
C. disappointing 4. Don"t blame your friends. Actually they don"t know the truth,either. A. In all
B. In fact
C. In general 5. The child nearly used up all his pocket money.A. ran out of
B. kept out of
C. got out of
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。1. Mr. Wang Lives on the ________ (第五) floor.
2. My mother is ________ (忙) cooking in the kitchen.
3. Look! There are lots of ________ (绵羊) on the farm.
4. We shouldn"t ________ (依靠) too much on our parents.
5. Many ________ (机器人) will do heavy work for us in the future.
6. I asked her if she was ready to go, and she ________ (点头) her head.
7. It"s pleasant to visit Alaska in ________ (八月) but it might be cool in the evening.
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,补全下列句中所缺单词,注意其形式的变化。(每空限填一词) 1. Actress Zhang Ziyi was criticized because her English hadn"t ______ (提高).
2. Chinese people were the first to ______ (发现) the South China Sea.
3. Drivers should be told to ______ (严格地) obey the traffic rules.
4. On March18, the Chinese government ______ (拒绝) Coca-Cola, who attempted to buy China
    Huiyuan Juice Group.
5. Chinese ______ (飞行员) Li Feng was so brave and calm that he saved the 200 million yuan airplane.
6. After the bell r______, all the students rushed out of their classrooms.
7. After the long trip, we were all tired and t______.
8. The markets around our school often p______ us with fresh vegetables.
9. Pork isn"t a______ to be bought from Mexico (墨西哥) because of the swine flu (猪流感).
10. Just i______ how happy she will be if you suddenly appear before her.
题型:湖北省中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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