根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. The old man said he could not ____ ____ (依靠) his son all the ti

根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. The old man said he could not ____ ____ (依靠) his son all the ti

根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. The old man said he could not ____ ____ (依靠) his son all the time.
2. Different people wear different clothes on ____ ____ (特殊的日子).
3. There are some different shoes, ____ ____ (例如) sports shoes and boots here.
4. Today, people in the cities around the world wear rather _____ (相似的) clothes.
5. ____ ____ (据说) that the first type of clothes were made of animal skins. Do you think so?
1. depend on  2. special days  3. such as  4. similar  5. It"s said
根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. You should s____ the table quickly for dinner.
2. Our teachers taught us to sing l____ songs before class.
3. At first, the mother almost went m____ because she lost her daughter.
4. The landlord is so c____ that almost everybody hates him.
5. To our surprise, they made p____ with each other in the end.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
单词拼写。1. You can _______  _______ (打电话给) Michael if you get to Fuzhou. He will meet you.
2. I think bad _______ (环境) can make people much stronger.
3. If you don"t obey the traffic rules, you will _______  ________  ________ (受到罚款).
4. Thank you _______  _______ (邀请) my brother to your birthday party.
5. I"ll call the restaurant and _______  _______  _______ (预订座位).
题型:0119 月考题难度:| 查看答案
词汇。1. Hainan Island is in the ____ (南方的) part of China.
2. She couldn"t ____ (接受) our invitation because she was too busy.
3. It"s difficult for him to make a ____ (决定) now.
4. They were discussing the problems of western ____ (社会).
5. — Which is the most ____ (传统的) festival of China? 
    — Spring Festival.
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案
根据首字母提示填词:1.It"s bad manners to speak loudly in p_________.
2.To my great d________, my father failed to buy me a new computer on my birthday.
3.The dentist won"t see you unless you have an a_______ with him ahead of time.
4.Her teaching experience gave her a big a________ over the other applicants for the job.
5.Scientists have d________ a new virus. It is very important to medical research.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
根据汉语提示填空。 1. I hope you can miss me when you ________ ________ (回想起) the time.
2. The movie is well ________ ________ (值得一看).
3. Dick has worked in China since he ________ (毕业) from the college four years ago.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案


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