One Monday morning, I was standing waiting for the train and suddenly felt ill.

One Monday morning, I was standing waiting for the train and suddenly felt ill.

One Monday morning, I was standing waiting for the train and suddenly felt ill. I couldn"t stand still(直立), and the world began to sway(摇摆) and then went black. All I heard was: "Oh, my God, she"s falling. "The next thing I r  小题1:    was that the doctor was asking me my name. This happened b  小题2:   I was too tired. I was so busy cleaning my new house that I didn"t eat m  小题3:    last weekend.
The doctor told me that a gentleman (绅士) waiting for the t  小题4:   saw me fall down. He got to my side at once, and told others to c  小题5:   911. He stayed with me until the ambulance (救护车) arrived. Then he went with me to the h   小题6:    , which made him m  小题7:  his train. The doctor told me the gentleman didn"t want to leave his name.
I don"t know who this gentleman is. B  小题8:  if he reads this article and remembers a young lady fainting (晕倒) at the train station, I"d like h  小题9:  to know that I want to say "Thank you. " to him. Whenever I meet with such a thing, I will do the same as he d 小题10:   to me. And I"ll pass on the kindness to others.


小题1:句意:我记着的接下来的事就是医生问我的名字。根据One Monday morning, 可知这是在叙述发生在过去某一个周一早上的事,因此此处是在回想,故用动词一般过去时remembered。
小题2:句意:这种事情会发生是因为我太累了。结合句意I was too tired.是我晕倒的原因,故此处用连词 because。
小题3:句意:我如此忙于打扫我的新房以至于上周末没有吃太多东西。根据I was so busy cleaning my new house可知我太忙了,没顾得上吃东西,因此吃的不多,故用much。
小题4:句意:医生告诉我一位正在等火车的绅士看见我倒下了。根据I was standing waiting for the train and suddenly felt ill可知我是在等火车时病倒的,因此这位看见我晕倒的绅士应是在等火车,故此处用train。
小题5:句意:告诉其他人拨打911。 拨打电话用动词call。 
小题6:句意:他和我一起去了医院。根据 He stayed with me until the ambulance (救护车) arrived. 可知此处指救护车,因此他要去医院。故此处为hospital 。
小题7:句意:使他错过了火车。根据Then he went with me to the h         ,可知他和我一块去的医院,因此错过了火车。make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事,故用动词miss 。
小题8:句意:但是他如果读了这篇文章,记着一个在火车站晕倒的女孩。根据I don"t know who this gentleman is.可知此处虽然我不认识他,他读了文章就知道我了,前后是转折关系,故用连词But。
小题9:句意:我想让他知道我想对他说“谢谢你”。would like sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事。故此处用代词him。
小题10:句意:无论我何时遇到了这样的事,我也会像他一样去做。此处用动词did代指帮助我去医院 。
enjoy   with   enough   but   he   possible  only   mean   book   fact
Can you imagine inviting 12 friends to a party with only 35 yuan to spend? Or could you take a holiday in Tibet with 小题1:______ 500 yuan? Can you imagine making a short film with only 3,000yuan?
Well, you might say it’s 小题2:_____ because these things cost a lot of money.But Qiao Xiaodao,, a 36-year-old artist, shows it’s all possible in his小题3:_______ The Good Life Doesn’t Have to Cost a Fortune﹙大笔钱﹚。“People like to say that ‘I will do something as soon as I have got 小题4:______ money’,but you should never let money become a problem to stop you from 小题5:_____ a happy life,” he said. Qiao lived a cheap 小题6:______ wonderful life. He started a rock band with his nephew, and 小题7:________ own CD record came out a few years ago.“In 小题8:_____, we can do many things with only a little money,”he said. “A happy life 小题9:______ that you are able to feed yourself every day, to have money to make your dream come true, and to be good 小题10:______ family members,”said Qiao.
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  小题1:A little boy loved to play around the tree.
Time went by. The boy grew up. One day, he came back to the tree and said, “小题2:” “You can pick my apples and sell them,” the tree said. Then the boy took all the apples, but he disappeared for a long time.
小题3: “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I don’t have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house,” the boy replied. “You can cut my branches(树枝) to build a house,” said the tree. So the boy cut all the branches off and left happily. But the tree didn’t hear from the boy for a long time.
小题4:The tree said, “Sorry, I don’t have anything for you now.” “I am tired. I just need a place to rest,” the boy replied. “Good! Old tree roots(根) are the best place to rest,” said the tree. The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears.
In fact, the tree stands for our parents. 小题5:
A. Finally, the boy returned after many years.
B. A long time ago, there was an apple tree.
C. As the apple tree, they give us everything we need.
D. One day, the boy returned and the tree was very excited.
E. I want to play with toys, but I need money to buy them.

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There is a very popular organization with young people in our community. I joined it two years ago. And I have taken part in many interesting activities. What we have done can not only help others but also make ourselves happy.
Last Sunday, we went to an old people’s home. After helping them do some housework, we sang, danced and played games with them. The old people were excited at our visit. They told us interesting stories about themselves. We all had a good time.
After this visit, my friend and I decided to do more things to help them. Now more than 30 volunteers have joined our club. Everyone thinks the experience is wonderful.
The organization is very   小题1: with young people in their community.
The writer joined it   小题2: years ago.
They sang,  小题3: and played games with the old people there.
The old people were   小题4:  at their visit.
How many
More than  小题5: volunteers have joined their club.

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I worked at a Care Center where most of the people are elderly. About a year and a half ago a 59-year-old lady came to us who had cancer. She had to have her right leg cut off and she didn’t have a family to take care of her after the o_小题1:_.
This lady was a quiet lady who mostly stayed a_小题2:_. But in the afternoons, when she was feeling w_小题3:_, she would go to help the other people in the home. She would v_小题4:_ a lady who was blind and read to her. She would go into the room of a young girl with severe cerebral palsy(脑瘫) and sing to her.
She p_小题5:_ away last Wednesday and after her death, stories are coming forward of her quiet acts of k_小题6:_ in her own hour of sadness.
We n_小题7:_ know what we have upon others. She had every r_小题8:_ to be bitter, to be angry, or to be sorry for her own fortune. But she wasn’t. She didn’t have a family and probably felt forgotten, but her small and quiet acts of service had a great influence upon the whole Care Center.
Each of us feels b_小题9:_ than before for having know her. We have decided to be more aware(意识) of the service that we can o_小题10:_ to others.
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