11月4日 (周日)Lisa将在家里举行一次生日晚会,请你帮她完成这份邀请函。(每空一词)(5分)InvitationAre you 小题1:______ th

11月4日 (周日)Lisa将在家里举行一次生日晚会,请你帮她完成这份邀请函。(每空一词)(5分)InvitationAre you 小题1:______ th

11月4日 (周日)Lisa将在家里举行一次生日晚会,请你帮她完成这份邀请函。(每空一词)(5分)
Are you 小题1:______ this Sunday evening?There will be a birthday 小题2: ______ at my house. We can sing, dance and 小题3: ______ games together.
Time: Sunday, November 小题4: ______, at 5:30 p.m.
Place: Lisa’s house, 15th Street
Come and have 小题5:______ !

小题4:4th /fourth

小题4:根据提示11月4日 (周日)可知是填日期,注意日期后面用序数词,故填4th /fourth。
Mrs. White works in a children’s hospital. There are many sick children and their parents in it. Mrs. White are friendly to them. She looks after(照料) her patients(病人) very well. Sometimes she gives some food to them. She likes the children and often tells stories to them. She likes to talk with them and play with them.
Mrs. White loves her job. She works hard and she is very busy every day. Sometimes she works late at night, but she’s always happy.
根据上面内容判断正误,正确的写T, 错误的写F。
小题1: Mrs. White is a shop assitant.
小题2: There are many sick children and parents in the children’s hospital.
小题3: Mrs. White gives her patients some food every day.
小题4:She loves working in the hospital.
小题5: She is busy but very happy
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Hello, I am Peter. These are my two小题1: b____ friends in my class. One is Lucy and the小题2:o____ is Jenny. Lucy is a good singer (歌手), and she takes part in (参加) some小题3: a________ in the music club. When I am tired, she usually小题4:s____ lovely songs (歌曲) to make me relaxed. Jenny loves to小题5: w_____ poems (诗). We can小题6: r____ some of her poems in our school magazines. Lucy and Jenny often tell interesting小题7: s_____. They小题8: b_______ us a lot of fun. They are also小题9: p______ clever and do well in the tests. All of the boys and girls in my class like them very much.小题10: E______ thinks they are nice girls.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
How Americans eat is funny.They eat almost everything with fork. But how to use the fork is very important .When you have dinner with Americans ,if you hold a knife in your right hand longer than a few seconds they will think you have the bad table manners (礼貌)。
If you must use the knife ,you should take the fork in your left hand,and cut with it in your right hand.Then you put the knife down,take the fork with your right hand,and then put the food in your mouth .This is clearly funny,but it’s good manners in America.
You will see there is alaways one knife and two forks on the table. when you visit your American friends.The out fork is for the dinner. The inside fork is for the desserts.the knife is for cutting meat.the spoon by your dessert is for coffee.
根据短文判断正误,正确的用T 错误的用F (10分)
小题1:It is bad manners to hold a knife in your left hand longer than a few seconds.
小题2:Americans only use knives while eating .
小题3:The out knife is for coffee.
小题4:It is good manners to cut food with a knife in your right hand and put it in your mouth with fork in your right hand
小题5:The inside fork is for dinner .
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Hello! My name is superdog.I live in a happy family.I have a little brother, (1)I’m shorter than him .I often go to school on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.But my little brother doesn’t. I have a lot of friends.
Today is Saturday .It’s a sunny day .I get up early .I take a bus to the Sunshine Park with my master.There are many posters and pictures on the wall.(2)park ,there ,in , lake,the ,of ,a ,middle. I take some photos there .Look! this is a photo of me .I stand on the grass.I wear a beautiful coat.It is blue and red .There is an English letter “s”on it .Many people enjoy sunshine and watch flowers there.They feed me a lot .
Tomorrow is my birthday.I want to have a nice party in my home.Can you come to my birthday party?Please share the big cake with me.
小题3:The dog and his master go to the SunshinePark by __________(完成句子) (2分)
小题4:根据上文译出”take some photos” 的意思(2分)____________________
小题5:When is the dog‘s birthday?(1分) _____________________
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
缺词填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。(本大题共5分,每格0.5分)
I have three best friends: Mark, Susie and Annie. Mark, Susie and I go to the s小题1】school and we are all classmates. Mark is one of the tallest boys in our class. He is even t 小题2】 than our English teacher, Mrs Black. When I feel sad, Mark always makes me feel happy. Sometimes he pulls a funny face (做鬼脸)and m 小题3】 me laugh until my stomach hurts. Susie, on the other hand, is very gentle and kind. She is not as loud and funny a 小题4】 Mark, but she is helpful and g 小题5】 . I can always talk to her about my p 小题6】. She is a good listener and she is really smart. She likes to help people. I think she will be a good doctor when she g小题7】 up.
Annie, my other good friend, is from the USA. She is my penfriend. Although(尽管)we do not see each other very often, I s 小题8】 think of her as one of my best friends. We talk on the Internet as much as we can and I often tell her about my school, my friends and my f  小题9】 . Annie is a true friend. She always tells me her h 小题10】 opinion about things.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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