We are in a world full of competition. Our parents compete (竞争) with others in

We are in a world full of competition. Our parents compete (竞争) with others in

We are in a world full of competition. Our parents compete (竞争) with others in their offices, our brothers and sisters compete with others in their colleges, and we compete with our classmates in school. Many of us give up in the face of competition and will never be successful. ①cant, others, why, we, do, better, than One important reason is that we have no self-confidence (自信).
In fact, everyone is born equal. You can do what others do. Although your classmates may be better than you in some ways, you may be better than them in other subjects. So everyone has his or her own advantages. Don’t look at things from a single (单个的) point of view. Try to discover your own advantages, and believe that you can do better than others in those ways.
Competition is not so terrible. Don’t be afraid of it. And don’t be afraid of those classmates who are better than you. ②Remember that self-confidence is the first step to success. Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful one day.
任务一:小题1: Are we living in a world full of competition?
任务二: 小题2: How can you improve your self-confidence according to the passage?
任务三: 小题3: 将①处画线部分单词连成一个完整的特殊疑问句。
任务四: 小题4: 将②处画线部分译成中文。
任务五: 小题5: What’s the main idea of this passage?

小题1:Yes./Yes,we are.
小题1:I"ll try to discover my own advantages.
Don"t look at things from a single point of view.
Everyone is born equal.I should believe I can do what others do.
We should believe we can do better than others in some ways/subjects.
小题1:Why can’t we do better than others?
小题1:Believe in yourselves,and you will be successful one day.
We should try to improve our self-confidence.
We shouldn"t give up in the face of competition.
We should be filled with/full of confidence.
London-Paris Tour Details (详情)
小题1: Please wait by the front desk at 4:45am for your FREE transfer to and from St. Pancras International Station. It’s for the travelers staying in central London hotels only.
小题2:Check in at 5:30am for your journey to Paris. Meet your guide at the group welcome desk at St. Pancras International Station where you will receive your welcome pack. Our guide will travel with you the whole day.
小题3:Enjoy a tour of Paris on comfortable boat seats! We visit the Eiffel Tower where you can enjoy amazing views of the city from the second floor.
小题4: Visit the brilliant Palace of Versailles, which was built in 1661. Take in the Great Royal Apartments, Hall of Mirrors and the Queen’s Apartments. The tour also includes a visit to the wonderful gardens, except on Saturday and Public Holidays.
小题5:You guide will take you back to the Gare du Nord. Your departure time from Paris is 8:13pm, arriving back in London at 9:40pm.
A. Journey to Paris
B. Free London Hotel Transfers
C. Tour of Paris and Eiffel Tower
D. Open Top Bus Tour
E. Return Journey
F. The Palace of Versailles

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Tuesday, 4th May
Hurray! I’ve just met my all-time hero — Wong Kam-Po. I’ve seen him many t  小题1:    on television, but it was fantastic to meet him in person because c  小题2:   is my favourite sport. I’d love to be a professional cyclist (自行车手) one day.
I arrived at Shangri-La Hotel on Sunday to meet my family for lunch, when I found out that Wong Kam-po was giving a talk there. I decided to l  小题3:   to the talk instead. Wong talked about w  小题4:    the gold medal at the 2006 Asian Games. He said he felt very p  小题5:     of himself and his teammates. He explained how he and his team prepared themselves for races.
After the talk, I went up to him and introduced m  小题6:   . I asked him f  小题7:   some advice to improve my riding skills. I was a bit nervous 小题8:    I couldn’t express myself very well. Wong said that we needed to believe in ourselves and should never give u  小题9:   .
It was a fantastic 小题10:     and I really enjoyed talking to my hero!
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With the holidays coming up, lots of people will be having parties. Want to make sure you’re a perfect host or guest(客人)? Now it’s a good time to brush up on your party manners.
When inviting guests to your party,  send invitations to their homes instead of passing them out at school. This way, you won’t hurt the feeling of classmates you didn’t invite.
<83>Wait for all your guests to arrive before starting any activities. If people at the party don’t know each other, make sure you introduce everyone.
If your guests bring gifts for you, thank each gift----giver as you open his/her present. After the party, be sure to send a hand-written thank-you card to each guest, telling them how much you appreciate their gifts.
When you receive a invitation to a party, be sure to let the host know whether you can come.
Arrive on time. Bring a gift to a birthday party. <84>If it’s a holiday party, ask the host if there’s anything you can bring. Adults often bring a desert or a bottle of wine to a party, even when the host tells them that he/she doesn’t need anything. Young people don’t have to do this, but it’s always polite to ask.
Be friendly to the other guests. Remember to say “Please” and “Thank you”! When you leave, thank the host for the party.
小题1: If you invite guests to your party, how should you send your invitation?
小题2: If you receive an invitation to a party, what should you do first?
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Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident?Although tea wasn"t brought to the Western world u 小题1: 1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand y小题2: before that. According to an ancient Chinese legend,the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was b 小题3: drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. L 小题4: he decided to taste the hot mixture. It was quite d  小题5: And in this way,one of the world"s favorite drinks was invented.
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小题1: What time is shown on this clock?
A. Five to eight
B. Five past eight.
C. Eleven past eight.    
小题2:If you can"t find your wallet,
you should ______.
A. tell your parents           
B. ask Jack about   
C. ask Ms. Chang about it
小题3:If you want to work for Shaoyang TV - News, you can _______.
A. write a letter
B. make a call
C. send an e-mail
小题4: What does this sign mean?
A. Please don"t make any noise
B. This is NO.1.
C. I"m thirsty
小题5: Look at the front wall please. ______ means that this way is for a disabled person togo through.
A                           B                    C
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