小题1:I had_______ for breakfast, so I feel hungry now.小题2:The _______ boy used to

小题1:I had_______ for breakfast, so I feel hungry now.小题2:The _______ boy used to


小题1:I had_______ for breakfast, so I feel hungry now.
小题2:The _______ boy used to run away when he sees a stranger.
小题3:_________ is the shortest month of a year.
小题4:Can he do it by ________ or does he need help?
小题5:Come on, let’s ________ with the beautiful music.

小题1:nothing / little
小题5:sing / dance

小题1:分析句意:我没有吃早饭,因此我现在感觉很饿。分析:现在我很饿,说明早上我没有吃早饭。没有nothing或者little.故填:nothing / little
小题4:分析句意:他是自己做这个事,还是需要别人的帮助呢?分析:考查固定短语:by oneself 依靠自己,表示男孩的他自己himself.故填:himself
小题5:分析句意:加油,让我们伴着优美的音乐一起唱歌(或者跳舞)吧。分析:伴着优美的音乐,一定是唱歌(或者跳舞)。故填:sing / dance
小题1:To tell the _______, I didn’t like the job very much at the beginning. (true)
小题2:Everyone should try to be polite and _______ to others. (help)
小题3:After the football game, he was too ______ to sleep. (exciting)
小题4:These years, young         are so crazy about GuoJingming’s books. (read)
小题5:In Changchun there’re around _______ students in a middle school class. (five)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

小题1:Zhang Ming’s cousin will celebrate his __________ (第十二) birthday this coming Friday.
小题2:The runner’s dream is to break the world ___________ (记录) of the 100-metre race.
小题3:Lin Tao always speaks to the elderly ___________ (礼貌地) and they all like him.
小题4:The Palace Museum is __________ (of value) to not only China but also the world.
小题5:Some people don’t _________ (get to know) the importance of health until they have lost it.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:—I want to study abroad but I’m afraid I won’t get used to the lifestyle there.
—It’s really a difficult __________ (decide) to make.
小题2:Miss Li has a strange way of making her class _________ (live) and interesting.
小题3: If you are _________ (honest), no one will make friends with you.
小题4:Some colourful activities are usually held in our school on __________ (woman) Day.
小题5:With everyone’s effort, Suqian is becoming ___________ (beautiful) than before.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

小题1: One of the rules is that all the students must pay a___________ to their teachers in class.
小题2:Fall is another way of saying a______________.
小题3: My mother p_______ coffee to tea. But I like tea a lot.
小题4:I won’t go to his birthday party u________ I am invited.
小题5:The old man lives alone and aren’t happy these days. Let’s go to see him and c________ him up.
小题6: There will also be exciting things waiting for you a____________ with difficulties.
小题7:It’s dishonest to try to c___________ one’s mistake with lies.
小题8: I want to take care of my health, so I m_____________ eat fruit and vegetables.
小题9:–W________ backpack is it?
– I don’t know. Let’s ask them and find the owner.
小题10: My watch is broken. I’ll get it m__________ this weekend.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow. I will buy _____ a CD as a present.

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