根据汉语意思填空(每题1分共10分):小题1:His______(业余爱好) are playing football and reading.小题2:My s

根据汉语意思填空(每题1分共10分):小题1:His______(业余爱好) are playing football and reading.小题2:My s

小题1:His______(业余爱好) are playing football and reading.
小题2:My student Tommy likes _______(绘画) very much.
小题3:My teacher doesn’t wear _______(眼镜).
小题4:--- How many ________(次数) a week does she go to the school library?
--- On Tuesday and Friday.
小题5:He often talks to his friends in his ______ (空闲的) time.
小题6:What______(其它的) do you like to do?
小题7:His sister is very _______(可爱的). I like playing with her.
小题8:_____(读书) is fun.
小题9:We often play____(排球) after school。
小题10:She is a _____(成员) of the Football Club.


小题1:句意:他的业余爱好是踢足球和读书。hobby 名词,业余爱好、嗜好的意思。根据句意可知,他有两个爱好,故这里的hobby应该用复数形式,把y 变成i,然后加es。
小题2:句意:我的学生Tommy非常喜欢画画。draw 画画,是一个动词。这句话中使用的是句型like doing sth. 喜欢做某事。故draw 用ing形式。
小题3:句意:我的老师不戴眼镜。glasses 眼镜,必须用复数形式。单数形式glass 是杯子的意思。
小题4:句意:-她一周去多少次学校图书馆?-在星期二和星期五去。time 这个词在这里的意思是次数,这个时候它是一个可数名词,how many times 多少次,询问次数。time 还有一个意思是时间,这个时候是不可数名词。
小题5:句意:在他的空闲时间,他经常和朋友谈话。free 是一个形容词,它有很多意思,如自由的、免费的、空闲的等。这里in one’s free time 意思是在某人的空闲时间。
小题6:句意:你还喜欢做什么?else 其他的,另外的,是一个形容词。它经常放在疑问词或修饰词的后面。what else 其他的什么,别的什么。
小题7:句意:他的妹妹非常可爱,我很喜欢和她一起玩。cute 是一个形容词,意思是可爱的。
小题8:句意:读书是有趣的。read 阅读,是一个动词。根据这句话的结构,我们可以知道,这个空填的是该句的主语,因为read 是动词,故做主语的时候应用它的ing形式,即动名词到形式。
小题9:句意:放学后我们经常打排球。volleyball 排球,是一种球类运动。play volleyball 打排球。在球类运动的前面不应该用冠词,如play basketball, play football等。
小题10:句意:她是足球俱乐部的一个成员。member 成员,是一个名词。在这个空的前面有不定冠词a,故这里应该用其单数的形式。
根据短文内容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)语境提示,3) 汉语提示,4)音标提示,在每一个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。
Everyone may fail or may meet with difficulties. When a person meets with difficulties, he should take a right attitude(态度) to them .In fact,people will give up after they fail once. They 小题1:r_________ themselves as failures(失败者),and are not able to get over the difficulties. Some people, however ,are able to take a correct attitude. They face up to the failure. They try to find小题2:________ what the trouble is. At last , they get over their difficulties . They have the right attitude to deal 小题3:w_______ difficulties.
“Do not ever lose heart. ”This is the 小题4:_________ (建议)given by a successful young man. This young man once got hurt in his leg . He could never stand as before. This was an unlucky thing .But he didn’t lose 小题5:h___________. At last he found out that he could do things as good as other people. He started to do 小题6:___________( /infə’meiʃn/ ) on computers. He finally小题7:_________ (成功) in becoming an expert(专家) on computers.
The story tells us not to lose heart 小题8: ________(/ wɒt "evə/) happens. Difficulties are nothing 小题9:_________ you have courage and confidence in yourself. Let’s learn something from the story. Keep on going , and you will make it. Remember: Nothing is 小题10:__________ (不可能)if you put your heart into it.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Study hard, and      will be difficult.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:His robot can stand on four small ___________(轮子).
小题2:Put your things away. Your room is always in a __________(杂乱).
小题3:The classroom is so dirty, you should empty the __________(垃圾) every day.
小题4:His legs were so weak that he could ____________ (almost not) stand.
小题5:The love stories in romantic films have a bad ___________ on girl students. (影响)
小题6:The beautiful view in Yunnan _____________ many travelers every year. (吸引)
小题7:____________ of the food has gone bad. (九分之二)
小题8:A witness saw him running down the street and ____________ heavily at 10pm.(呼吸)
小题9:_____________ with the top student, that boy is very lazy and isn’t hard-working.(比较)
小题10:There’s a lot of homework every day and I have no ____________ (choose) but to do it.
小题11:He didn’t know his father’s ___________ until he came back from abroad. (die)
小题12:When I see the sun, I have the feeling of ____________(warm)
小题13:If you want to get _____________ (far) information of China, you can visit www.china.gov.
小题14:___________(hope), all my classmates can go to a better night school.
小题15:________________ (walk) slowly, and then you can enjoy the beauty of the nature.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
---Miss Li has taught ____ English for about 3 years.
---You are lucky. ____ is a very good teacher.
A.ours, SheB.our, HeC.us, HeD.us, She

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
— He’s my cousin.

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