用所给动词的适当形式填空小题1:Tony like other students ______ (work) hard to go to the key hig

用所给动词的适当形式填空小题1:Tony like other students ______ (work) hard to go to the key hig

小题1:Tony like other students ______ (work) hard to go to the key high school.
小题2:I wonder if it _______ (rain) tomorrow. I think if it ______ (rain), we will stay at home instead.
小题3:My shoes has been worn out, so they need_______ (repair).
小题4:Tom told us that he _______ (teach) the kids to play football for several years.
小题5:--- How did you do with the _______ (lose) book?
--- I paid for it last week.
小题6:Not only you but also Jim ______ (invite) to the party last time.

小题1:is working/ works 
小题2:will rain  rains  
小题4:had taught  
小题6:was invited

小题1:此题考查谓语动词,因主语是Tony是第三人称单数形式,故用works或is working。此句的含义是托尼和其他同学一样刻苦学习目的是能考上重点中学。
小题3:此题考查固定结构need doing sth表示被动意义。
小题1:We all like her bright,         (smile) eyes.
小题2:The news of his         (arrive) made each of us excited.
小题3:The weather will become         (bad) on Monday than today.
小题4:We enjoyed        (we) at the party last Saturday evening.
小题5:Look! A lot of       (tour) names are on the wall. They come to help do a bird count.
小题6:People always run         (失去控制地) when the earthquake happens.
小题7:Nothing can make my father        (平静下来) down.
小题8:I felt a slight shaking         (穿过) my body.
小题9:Swans fly to         (北方的) countries when summer comes.
小题10:I learnt the rainstorm        (警告) from the newspaper.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
--- Are these your bikes?
---No, _______ aren’t.
A.theyB.them C.theseD.their

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:I am 13 years old. I am a middle school ____________. (学生)
小题2:Trains are light and comfortable and are popular_______ young people.(在……之间)
小题3:Eddie _______ goes out after meals. He often sleeps after meals.(很少)
小题4:We all need a ____________lifestyle. It is important for us.(健康)
小题5:My birthday is also a ________day for my mother. (特别的)
小题6:There _________some beef and fish in the fridge. (be)
小题7:Children paint their ________ to have a lot of fun. (face)
小题8:Kitty likes _______________ with her mother on Sundays. (shop)
小题9:The library is ________ from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.(open)
小题10:I like Spring Festival ________ because I can get red packets from my parents.(good)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:If you are ill, you should take some ____________ (药) and have a good rest.
小题2: They’re ____________ (计划) to go to Beijing next weekend.
小题3:The 2013 New Year’s Concert is going to be a ____________ (创新的) show.
小题4:I ____________ (写) her some letters, but she didn"t write to me.
小题5: I’m going to eat        (更少的) food.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1: My aunt goes shopping ____________(two) a week.
小题2: A lot of ____________ (visit) visited our school last year.
小题3: Mary had much fun ____________ (play) at the aquarium with her mother two weeks ago.
小题4: I think math is the ___________ ____________ (important) of all the subjects.
小题5: Please don’t forget ___________ ____________ (finish) your homework first.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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