从方框中选适的选项完成对话 (其中有两项多余) 。A: Hello, Lin Fang.   1   B: Sure. Du Liang.A: How long

从方框中选适的选项完成对话 (其中有两项多余) 。A: Hello, Lin Fang.   1   B: Sure. Du Liang.A: How long

从方框中选适的选项完成对话 (其中有两项多余) 。A: Hello, Lin Fang.   1   
B: Sure. Du Liang.
A: How long could I keep it?
B:    2    
A: OK. It"s very kind of you.
B:    3   
A: Jim is ill.    4    
B: I’m sorry to hear that.    5    
A: Yes. Could you please take care of my little sister?  .
B: Yes, sure.
A: Thank you.
B: You are welcome. 
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A. What about one day?
B. Could I go to school today?    .
C. What are you going to be?
D. Could I do something for you?
E. Could I borrow your bike?
F. I want to take him to the hospital.
G. Could you tell me what you use it for?
1-5   EAGFD

Ann: Hello. Is Tina there?
Tina: Hello, Ann.  1  is Tina.
Ann: Could I please borrow your MP3 tomorrow?
Tina: Sorry, it"s not a very good    2  .Could you speak more loudly, please?
Ann: Sure. Could I please borrow your MP3 please? Mine is    3  ,
Tina: Of course.    4  do you want it?
Ann: Tomorrow if possible.
Tina: OK.  I"ll   5   it to school in the morning.
Ann: Thanks. Bye.

A: Kate, what are you    1   ?
B: I"m reading today"s newspaper. What"s    2   ?
A: May I borrow your VCD player?
B:    3    how long?
A: Until the end of the week.
B: Yes, I guess that it would be all right.
A: Thank you very much.    4    do you have any new discs?
B: Yes, I"ve just got three new pop music discs. I"ll    5    them to you with the machine tomorrow.
A: That"s great. Thanks. I"ll give them back to you soon.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
A: Good morning, Jack.
B: Good morning,  Doctor.
A: What is wrong   1   you?
B: I    2   a sore throat. And I cough a lot.
A: Oh, I am   3   to hear that.
B: And l can"t sleep well.
A: Please    4   your mouth, and say "ah".
B: Ah…
A: Oh, you have a cold, but there is nothing    5   .You    6   stay in bed    7   a few days and have a good rest.
B: Should I    8   some medicine, Doctor?
A: Yes, of course. Take this medicine three   9   a day, and   10  a lot of water.
B: Thank you very much.
A:You are welcome.
1. ____       2. ____       3. ____       4. ____       5. ____       
6. ____       7. ____       8. ____       9. ____       10. ____  
A: Hi, I"m doing a survey for the Bedford Daily News. __1__
B: I guess Jamming 107.9 FM is the best.
A: Why?
B: __2__ 1t"s much better than the other stations in town.
A: What about the other radio stations?
B: Well, I think Oldier 102.1 FM is pretty bad. __3__
A: I heard that __4__
B: Not for me.
A: Why not?
B: __5__ They"re worse than the commercials of All Talk 970 AM!
A: Can you cook, Liu Fang?
B: No, I can"t.   1     2   you?
A: I can.
B:   3   teaches you to cook?
A: My mother. She wants me to do some housework on Saturdays and Sundays.
B:   4   do you want to eat?
A: Some meat, rice and eggs.
B: Do you like fruit?
A: Yes, a little.  What about you?
B: I don"t like meat at all. I like eggs and fruit. Can you help me to cook?
A:   5   .I can do that tomorrow afternoon.  
B: Thanks a lot.
A: You"re welcome.