根据对话中的情景,在每个横线上填入一个适当的句子,使对话意思完整。A:    1    B: Yes. I"m going to buy a new dress

根据对话中的情景,在每个横线上填入一个适当的句子,使对话意思完整。A:    1    B: Yes. I"m going to buy a new dress

根据对话中的情景,在每个横线上填入一个适当的句子,使对话意思完整。A:    1    
B: Yes. I"m going to buy a new dress. I want something smart (漂亮的).
    I want to wear it in the evening.
A: I see.    2    
B: Size eight or nine.
A:    3    It"s very smart.
B: Sorry, I don"t really like the colour very much. Have you got any other colour?
A: Oh, yes. We"ve got blue, white and brown ones.
B: Can I have a look at the white one? That looks great.
A: Yes, please. Here you are.
B: Thank you. It looks nice.    4    
A: Certainly. This way, please.
    (In the changing room.) (A few minutes later.)
A: Does it fit (适合) you?
B: Yes, it does. I like it very much.    5    Here"s the money.
A: Thank you, goodbye.
1. Can I help you?
2. What size do you want?
3. How about it?
4. Can I try it.
5. I"ll take it.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. Here you are.   B. What do you want to borrow?   C. Oh, sorry.
D. Can I help you?   E. No hurry.   F. Never mind.   G. My pleasure.
Friend: Let"s go to a baseball match tomorrow.      1      
You: No, I won"t.
Friend:      2      
You: Because it sounds boring. You told me that the game would last five days.
Friend: No, this is a one-day game.
You: One day is still too long.
Friend:       3     
You: It"s fine now, but it may not be fine tomorrow. What are the seats like?
Friend:      4      
You: Nice! I remember what you said about them-hard wooden benches!
Friend:      5       
You: Sleep! I don"t want to spend six hours sleeping on a hard wooden bench.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
A. The weather will be fine.
B. They are very nice. Really?
C. Why not?
D. It"ll be very interesting.
E. You may always sleep on it.
Chen Huan: Glad to meet you, Mr Zhu. Welcome to Yiwu TV Station to tell your    1   (故事) of
                 doing business.
Mr. Zhu: Thank you. I"d like to say something that happened thirty years ago.
             Chen Huan: At that time, you didn"t have    2  (足够的) food to eat.
Mr. Zhu: Right. So I    3  (去) out to do business to make money by exchange sweets for chicken
              feathers, old shoes and so on.I had to get up very    4  (早) every morning and travel a long way
              on    5   (脚).
Chen Huan: It must be a special experience for you.
Mr. Zhu: Yes. During that time,I was" often tired and hungry    6   (没有) anything to eat,
              especially on those   7   (寒冷的) winter nights…but now everything is better. I own a big
              factory with hundreds of    8   (工人). And I can    9  (卖) my products to the world in a 
              modern market. I"m sure my business will be better and better in the future.
Chen Huan: How moving! Hard work makes a successful businessman. You"re really a great example
                  for the    10  (年轻的) people in Yiwu.
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
all kinds of    famous    looking at    smiling    answered

A: What did you do during this summer vacation, Brett?
B: My wife and I went to California to visit some families.
A: Oh,    1   ?
B: It was great! You know    2    there in the season.
    The sky was blue and the air was fresh.
A: What was the coolest part?
B: We went out to Ocean Beach and    3    there.
    The weather was good and the waves were high
    so    4    to watch them in the water.
A: Were you in Southern California or Northern California?
B: We were in Northern California, in Silicon Valley area.
    And, that"s    5   .
A: You were so lucky!

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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A. it was a lot of fun
B. how nice you were
C. how was that
D. where we used to live
E. watched the surfers
F. I don" t know how to tell you
G. the weather was quite fine