Frank is my friend. His family is rich. His parents always give him lots of pock

Frank is my friend. His family is rich. His parents always give him lots of pock

Frank is my friend. His family is rich. His parents always give him lots of pocket money. But Frank thinks his parents work very hard and it’s not easy for them, so he always tries his best to save money. He has some good ways to do it.
Frank likes reading. He has lots of books. He tells me he often buys books online, because they’re cheaper. And when he has free time, he often goes to bookstores or libraries to do some reading.
Frank has a bike. He usually goes to school by bike. Sometimes when it rains or snows, he walks. These two ways help Frank keep healthy and save money.
Frank brings a bottle of water to school every day. When other students drink juice, he enjoys his water. He thinks water is the cheapest but the best drink.
Some students think Frank is mean. But I don’t think so. I think he is right. What do you think of him?
小题1:Why does Frank try his best to save money?
A.Because His family is very poor.
B.Because His parents don’t give him any pocket money.
C.Because He thinks it’s not easy for his parents to make money.
D.Because He is very mean.
小题2:How does Frank usually go to school?
A.By busB.By bikeC.By trainD.on foot
小题3:Why does Frank often buy books online?
A.Because they’re more useful.
B.Because they’re more interesting.
C.Because they’re better.
D.Because they’re cheaper.
小题4:What does Frank bring to school every day?
小题5:What does the writer think of Frank?
A.He is wrongB.He is rightC.He is meanD.He is clever

小题1: B
小题2: B
小题3: D
小题4: A
小题5: B

小题1:细节理解题。从But Frank thinks his parents work very hard and it’s not easy for them, so he always tries his best to save money.但是弗兰克认为他父母工作非常辛苦,挣钱不容易,所以他总是想办法省钱得知答案,故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。从He usually goes to school by bike他通常骑自行车上学得知答案,故选B。
小题3:细节理解题。从He tells me he often buys books online, because they’re cheaper. 他告诉我他常在网上买书,因为更便宜得知答案,故选D。
小题4:细节理解题。从Frank brings a bottle of water to school every day.弗兰克每天上学带一瓶水得知答案,故选A。
小题5:细节理解题。从 I think he is right.我认为他做的对得知答案,故选B。
Life in the 22nd century will be different from life in the 20th century, because many changes will take place in the new century, but what will the changes be?
The population is       fast. There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live    than before.      will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects at     .
People will work fewer hours than they did in the 20th century, and they will have more free time for sports,      TV and traveling. Traveling will be    . And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.
More land will be used for building new towns and houses. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so     will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day,     , they eat more vegetables and fruit. Maybe people will be healthier.
Work in the future will be      , too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots(机器人). Because of this, many people will not have enough        to do. This will be a problem.
A.1ess interestingB.much easierC.more expensiveD.more difficult

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My daughter finally lost her first tooth. She waited for this moment for more than a year.
Most of the kids in the first grade lost not only one tooth, but several. But my daughter kept waiting impatiently. Then, she finally got a loose (松的) tooth. I never saw her so happy — except on Christmas, Children’s Day or her birthday. Last Friday night, she was eating an apple, and the tooth started to become loose. Minutes later, my daughter shouted happily. The tooth was out!
I cleaned it off and put it under her pillow (枕头). When she went to bed that night, my daughter wondered, “Will the tooth fairy (牙仙) let me keep the tooth?” I told her she might and she’d have to wait and see.
The tooth fairy comes from an old story. It’s believed that when a kid loses his first tooth and puts it under his pillow, the tooth fairy will come to visit him when he is sleeping. If the tooth fairy sees the kid and loves him, she will leave some money under his pillow without taking away the tooth. If she doesn’t think the kid lovely enough, she will still leave some money but take the tooth away.
And then I put a dollar in my bag so that I’d remember to put it under my daughter’s pillow. However, I forgot. Luckily, her dear dad remembered.
小题1: How many of the following things make the writer’s daughter happy?
a. Christmas  b. Children’s Day
c. her birthday    d. the missing tooth
小题2: What do the two underlined words in Paragraph 3 mean? daughter; the tooth daughter; my daughter
C.the tooth fairy; my daughterD.the tooth fairy; the tooth fairy
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The daughter is a second-grader.
B.The writer is a mother.
C.The real tooth fairy in the story is the writer.
D.Several kids in the daughter’s class lost one tooth.
小题4:What may be the best ending of the story?
A.A new tooth grew during my daughter’s sleep that night.
B.My daughter woke up at midnight and saw the beautiful tooth fairy.
C.The next morning my daughter was glad to find the money and the tooth.
D.The other kids in the first grade laughed at my daughter because she lost a tooth.

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A Talking Fish
One afternoon last summer, Mr. Stow went to a fishman to buy fish for his supper, because a friend of his would come to have supper with him that evening.
It was hot, and most of the fish were not so good, but the fishman said, “Sir, all of my fish are good and fresh. Would you like some?” Mr. Stow held one fish up to his nose and smelled it. “Why do you smell that fish? Do you think it bad?” asked the fishman. “No, I didn’t smell it.” “Then what did you do with your face so close to the fish?” asked the fishman. “I didn’t smell the fish, I only talked to it,” said Mr. Stow. “What did the fish say to you?” “He said he didn’t know the latest news of the river , because he was out of the river for more than a week.”
小题1:The story happened last year.
小题2:Mr. Stow wanted to buy fish for his supper.
小题3:The weather was not hot that day.
小题4:Most of the fish were not so good.
小题5:Mr. Stow didn’t buy the fish that day.
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Mrs. Brown had a small garden behind her house and in the spring she planted some vegetables in it. She looked after them very carefully, and when the summer came, they looked very nice. One evening Mrs. Brown looked at her vegetables and said, “Tomorrow I am going to pick them and we can eat them.” But early the next morning, her son ran into the kitchen and shouted, “Mother, mother! Come quickly! Our neighbor’s ducks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetables!” Mrs. Brown ran out, but it was too late. All the vegetables are finished! Mrs. Brown cried, and her neighbor was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables. Then a few days before Christmas, the neighbor brought Mrs. Brown a beautiful fat duck. And on it was a piece of paper with the words, “ENJOY YOUR VEGETABLES!”
小题1:Mrs. Brown had a _________ behind her house.
A.shedB.small apple orchardD.small house
小题2:In _________ she planted some vegetables in the garden.
A.the summerB.the winterC.the autumnD.the spring
小题3:When _________ came, the vegetables looked very nice.
A.the summerB.the winterC.the autumnD.the spring
小题4:Early the next __________ her son ran into the kitchen and shouted.
小题5:One morning __________ were eating vegetables in the garden.

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A Nobel Prize is considered by most people one of the highest international honours(荣誉) a person can receive. As you know, the prizes were started by a Swede called Alfred Nobel. He was born in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Alfred Nobel was a great scientist. He made two important inventions, and so he became very rich. Although he was rich, Nobel was not a happy man. He never married or had children. Also, he was a sick man during his large part of life. When he died at the age of 63, he left a fund of $9,000,000. The money was to be used in giving prizes to those who made great achievements in physics, chemistry(化学), medicine and literature(文学), and for world peace.
The first Nobel Prizes were given on December 10, 1901, five years after Nobel’s death. Since then many famous people from all over the world have been given Nobel Prizes for their achievements.
Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a certificate saying that he has been given the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money-about $40,000.
Often a prize is given to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared. It may be given to two or more people who have worked together. It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given at all if there is no great achievement. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given.
小题1:When was Alfred Nobel born?
A.In 1938.B.In 1833.C.In 1896.D.In 1906.[
小题2:What kind of person would you say Alfred Nobel was?
A.He was a rich, happy and lucky man.
B.He was a poor, unhappy and unlucky man.
C.He was a rich, but unhappy and unlucky man.
D.He was a poor, but happy and lucky man.
小题3:When he died, Nobel left a large amount of money ________. his wife his children
C.for helping the poor people in Sweden
D.for setting five prizes

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