J.K. Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter, which is now one of the bestsellers

J.K. Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter, which is now one of the bestsellers


J.K. Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter, which is now one of the bestsellers in the world.
J.K. Rowling was born in Bristol on July 31st, 1965. She has one sister who is two years younger than her. Both girls loved listening to their father reading bedtime stories to them. They especially loved stories about magical worlds. Rowling wrote her first story, called Rabbit, at the age of six.
After she graduated from the university, Rowling worked as a translator (翻译者) in London. During this time, on a long train trip in the summer of 1990, the idea came to her of a boy who has magic but doesn’t know it. In 1992 Rowling began to teach English. She lived with her baby daughter, Jessica, and spent much time finishing the first Harry Potter book for young readers. It appeared in June 1997. To her surprise, the book was greatly successful. The film came out in November 2001. Now Harry Potter series (系列) is popular with people of all ages and about 60 million books were sold in 200 countries.
Why has the series been so successful? There are a few things. Many other magical stories take place in faraway lands or in past or future times. But Harry lives in modern (现代的) England. He’s also a very normal (平常的) boy: polite, friendly, brave and clever. So when other children read about Harry,  they can imagine being like him.
J.K. Rowling is very happy with the success, and she is now busy finishing the whole series of seven books. She’s writing full time and she’s really enjoying life. She says she will go on living a normal life with her daughter and writing children’s books.
小题1:From the passage, we know ___________.
A.J.K. Rowling met a boy named Harry on a long train trip
B.J.K. Rowling loved listening to stories when she was very young
C.J.K. Rowling is two years younger than her sister
D.Harry Potter is J.K. Rowling’s first story
小题2:The Harry Potter series is __________.
A.written for young people
B.only enjoyed by children
C.only sold in England
D.about a young inspector
小题3:J.K. Rowling has been successful, and she ___________.
A.likes to travel all over the world with her daughter
B.is too busy to enjoy her life
C.is excited about her success every day
D.is still writing stories for children
小题4:How is Harry Potter series different from other magical stories?
A.There are magical things.
B.The stories happened in the modern world.
C.It has seven books.
D.It took much time to finish.



小题1:根据Both girls loved listening to their father reading bedtime stories to them.可知选B。
小题2:根据and spent much time finishing the first Harry Potter book for young readers. 描述可知选A。
小题3:根据She says she will go on living a normal life with her daughter and writing children’s books.及上文描述可知选D。
小题4:根据But Harry lives in modern (现代的) England. He’s also a very normal (平常的) boy:及下文描述可知选B。

Short and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. "Football, tennis Cricket — anything with a round ball, I was useless." he says now with a laugh. But back then he was the object of jokes in school gym classes in England’s rural Devonshire.
It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him. At first the teen went biking alone in a nearby forest. Then he began to cycle along with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set his mind building up his body, increasing his speed, strength and endurance. At age 18, he ran his first marathon.
The following year, he met John Ridgway, who became famous in the 1960s for rowing an open boat across the Atlantic Ocean. Saunders was hired as an instructor at Ridgway’s school of Adventure in Scotland, where he learned about the older man’s cold-water exploits (成就). Intrigued, Saunders read all he could about Arctic explorers and North Pole expeditions, then decided that this would be his future. Journeys to the Pole aren’t the usual holidays for British country boys, and many people dismissed his dream as fantasy. "John Ridgway was one of the few who didn’t say, ’You are completely crazy,’" Saunders says.
In 2001, after becoming a skilled skier, Saunders started his first long-distance expedition toward the North Pole. He suffered frostbite, had a closer encounter (遭遇) with a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit.
Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he’s skied more of the Arctic by himself than any other Briton. His old playmates would not believe the transformation.
This October, Saunders, 27, heads south to explore from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, an 1800-mile journey that has never been completed on skis.
小题1:The turning point in Saunders’ life came when ________.
A.he started to play ball games
B.he got a mountain bike at age 15
C.he ran his first marathon at age 18
D.he started to receive Ridgway’s training
小题2:We can learn from the text that Ridgway ________.
A.dismissed Saunders’ dream as fantasy
B.built up his body together with Saunders
C.hired Saunders for his cold-water experience
D.won his fame for his voyage across the Atlantic
小题3:What do we know about Saunders?
A.He once worked at a school in Scotland.
B.He followed Ridgway to explore the North Pole.
C.He was chosen for the school sports team as a kid.
D.He was the first Briton to ski alone to the North Pole.
小题4:The underlined word "Intrigued" in the third paragraph probably means ________.
小题5:It can be inferred that Saunders’ journey to the North Pole ________.
A.was accompanied by his old playmates
B.set a record in the North Pole expedition
C.was supported by other Arctic explorers
D.made him well-known in the 1960s

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One day, my English teacher asked me to help her save back-up(备份) copies of her work in the computer. I then realized I was able to know the grades of all of her students. I   1  her how to copy files(文件) from one disk to another and she thanked me.
A few days later, she asked me to help her again, because she   2  how to do it. When I showed it to her, some students in my class   3  and began to talk among themselves   4  .Later that day, at lunch time, several of them came up to me.
“Hey, could you help us change our grades? We’ll   5  for it.”
I could not believe what I heard. I could get paid for something very   6 . “All right. I’ll do it.” The next day, my English teacher   7  me to help him out again. When he was not paying   8  , I changed their grades from Fs to As.
I soon became very   9  among my friends. They began to treat me like God who could do   10 . Word spread quickly and I became very rich.
Everything was going fine   11  I was called into the headmaster’s office. When I got there, both of my teacher and the headmaster were very angry. “ I don’t want to   12  what your teacher said, but I have to. She has too much evidence(证据),’’ the headmaster said. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
“No,” I said finally. I didn’t realize how   13  my behavior had been. I had disappointed my teacher and the headmaster. And there was no way   14 . I had to leave my school. That was a good   15  for me.
A.moneyB.workC.attention D.interest
A.somethingB.anythingC.nothingD.some things

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Joe comes from Moscow. He has studied in Beijing for two years. So he misses his hometown very much. He hopes to go to a city where he can find the feeling of returning home.
小题2:Mary is an American girl. She likes going shopping. This year she’ll graduate from a famous Chinese college. So she is planning to travel to a city where she may find a job.
小题3:Henry is from Canada. He is interested in surfing and diving. But the city in which he is living is far from the sea. So he is expecting to get to a place where he can do these activities and taste bananas and pineapples.
小题4:Rosa comes from Britain. She cannot stand hot weather. And she thinks some Chinese cities have too much pollution. So she wants to go somewhere clean and peaceful.
小题5:Timmy comes from Japan. He has great interest in taking photos. He is looking forward to staying close to nature. He even wants to take a boat while taking photos. However, he doesn’t like hot food.

City: Lhasa
Temperature in July:15-17℃
Attractions: blue sky, fresh air and wonderful dances

City: Harbin
Temperature in July: 24-30℃
Attractions: some old buildings
in Russian style

City: Chongqing
Temperature in July: 28-30℃
Attractions: tall mountains, hot food and friendly people.

City: Hong Kong
Temperature in July: 29-30℃
Attractions: nice and cheap clothes, all kinds of tasty food and chances to find good jobs.

City: Guilin
Temperature in July: 29-30℃
Attractions: fantastic hills, clean rivers and many other natural sights.

City: Sanya
Temperature in July: 27-32℃
Attractions: exciting water sports, lovely beaches and great tropical fruit.

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Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案)
Traditionally, the President is the highest-pad public employee. A salary of $ 400,000, along with other benefits, is paid to the President annually. But President Obama’s income for 2008 was far more than that, according to the White House.
The White House recently published the tax returns (纳税申报单)of Obama and Vice –president Joe Biden. Tax returns are reports of tax that a person has to pay. They often include income information used to calculate the tax. In the US, people whose incomes are over a certain amount have to file tax returns(纳税申报)every year. The tax returns of government officials are open to the public. This transparency helps to prevent corruption(腐败)。
From Obama’s tax returns , we can see that the President and first lady President’s two books Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope(《无畏的梦想》). The two books, published in 1995 and 2006,are very popular and have been on the bestseller(畅销书)list for a long time.
The Obama’s income is down from 2007,when they made $4.2 million. However, that is still far more than former US President George Bush earned, who reported a total of $719,274 for his final year. The Obamas’ income also greatly exceeded(超出)that of Biden, who reported a family income of $2269,256.That’s about a tenth of what the Obamas earned. As Vice-president, Biden earns a salary of $220,000.US families earn an average income of about $50,000.
The Obama’s tax returns also show that together, the President and his wife paid about $933,000 in taxes. They gave $172,050 —nearly 6.5 percent of their earnings —to different charity groups. In the US, if a person gives his money to churches and non-profit(非盈利)organizations, the law reduces his or her taxes. This is one reason why rich people in the US like to give money to charity.

小题1:_______had the highest income in 2008.
小题2:How much did Obama and his wife earn in 2008?
小题3:In the US, which people have to file tax returns?
B.Wealthy people
C.Government officials
D.People whose incomes are over a certain amount.
小题4:The Obamas have given_______ percent of their earnings to charity.
小题5:Why should the tax returns of government officials be open to the public?.
A.Because it can help to prevent corruption
B.Because it can make government officials well-known to the public.
C.Because it can help government officials to get more money.
D.Because the government wants them to pay more taxes to the public.
小题6:According to the law, if a rich man gives his money to charity,_______.
A.he will be praised by the people
B.he will pay fewer taxes
C.he will be free of taxes
D.he will get some extra money from the government.

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The family man?
Father was a hardworking man who tried his best to support his wife and three
children. He spent all his evenings attending classes, hoping to improve himself
so that he could one day find a better-paid job, except for Sundays. Father hardly ate a meal together with his family. He worked and studied very hard because he wanted
to provide his family with the best things that money could buy.
Whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often wished to spend more time with his family.
The day came when the examination results were announced. To his joy, Father passed with a good mark! Soon after , he was offered a good job as a senior supervisor (主管), which paid quite well.
However, the family still did not get to see Father for most of the week. He continued to work very hard, hoping to get the position of manager. Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. But he often wished to spend more time with his family.
Father’s hard word paid off and he was promoted(提升). Excitedly, he decided to hire a maid
so his wife did not have to do the housework any more. He also felt that their three-room flat was not longer big enough, and it would be nice for his family to be able to enjoy the comfort of a condominium(公寓). Having experienced the rewards of his hard work many times before, Father decided to further his studies and work at being promoted again. The family still did not get to see much of him again.
As expected, father’s hard work paid off again and he bought a beautiful condominium near the coast of Singapore. On the first Sunday evening in their new home, father told his family that he had decided not to take any more courses or pursue(追求) any more promotions. From then on he was going to spend more time with his family.
Father did not wake up the next day.
小题1:Father worked seven days a week, didn’t he ?
小题2:Why did father work and study hard?
小题3:What was father’s first well-paid job?
小题4:What did the family complain about father?
小题5:Where did father manager to buy a beautiful condominium for his family?
小题6:Do you want to have the “father”in your family? Why or not?
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