短文填空.根据下列短文内容,在短文后的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。     One day Mozart saw an old blind str

短文填空.根据下列短文内容,在短文后的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。     One day Mozart saw an old blind str

短文填空.根据下列短文内容,在短文后的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。     One day Mozart saw an old blind street performer(卖艺人)    1   the violin in the street corner
with a hat in front of him. He    2   out the old man was playing one of his compositions(曲目). The
old man played for some time but nobody put any    3   in his hat. Mozart asked the old man, "Now,
   4   knows Mozart and likes his music. Do you    5   a living by playing the violin?" The old man
said he    6  . And then Mozart took over the   7   from the old man and began to play.
     He played very well. All the passers-by(过路人) stopped to    8   to the wonderful music and
soon the old man felt very    9   that the man could play so well. He asked Mozart, "Who are you,
sir?" " Your colleague(同行), a poor    10   like you." Then Mozart gave the violin to the old man
and went away.
1.________2.________3.________4.________   5.________
6.________7.________8.________9.________  10.________
1. playing 2. found 3. money 4. everybody 5. make
6. did       7. violin 8. listen    9. surprised 10. musician
     Liu Qian"s success can be traced back to his childhood.  Bom in 1976 in Taiwan, Liu Qian found
himself interested in a magic toy in a shop when he was 7 years old.  From then on, there was no stopping
in his feelings for magic.
     His efforts first led him to fame at the age of 12, when he won Taiwan"s Youth Magic Contest, which
was judged by world magic master David Copperfield.
     "This win was really meaningful for me.  It encouraged me to carry on my magic show dream.  It
showed me that my efforts could finally lead to success. "
     Liu Qian did not plan on becoming a professional magician at first.  He chose to study Japanese in
Soochow University,  and thought he would go on to work in a company, performing as a magcian in his
spare time.
     However, his failure to find a good job after graduation pushed him to take up magic as a career. He
made up his mind with the encouragement of his parents.
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When Liu Qian was7 years oldHe was    1    in a magic toy in a shop. From thenon, there was no
stopping in his feelings for magic.
At the age of    2    He won Taiwan"s Youth Magic Contest, which wasjudged by world
magic master David Copperfield.
After the winning of Taiwan"s Youth
Magic Contest
Liu Qian knew that his effort could make lead him    3    
The reason    4     he studied Japanese
in the University
Because he wanted to perform as a magician in hisspare time
not a professional magician
The reason why he took up magic as a
Because he wanted to find a good job after
graduation, but he     5    
     Jim is a basketball fan. He is very good at (擅长) playing basketball.  Michael Jordan (乔丹) is his
  favorite basketball player. Michael Jordan is an American (美国人). Jim is in the school basketball club.
  Every Friday afternoon they play basketball after class. Jim"s friend Amy isn"t good at basketball, but she
  is very good at football. Ronaldo (罗纳尔多) is her favorite football player.Ronaldo is a Brazilian (巴西
 人). Amy plays football with her classmates every Saturday afternoon at school.
1. Jim is good at _____.
    A. volleyball    
    B. football    
    C. basketball    
    D. badminton
2. Amy plays _____  well.
    A. football    
    B. badminton    
    C. tennis    
    D. basketball
3. Michael Jordan is _____ .
    A. an American    
    B. an Englishman (英国人)
    C. Chinese    
    D. a Brazilian
4. Ronaldo comes from _____ .
    A. England (英国)  
    B. Brazil (巴西)    
    C. China    
    D. America
5. Jim plays basketball on____  ,but Amy plays football on______.
    A. Sarurday; Friday    
    B. Sunday; Sunday
    C. Friday; Saturday    
    D. Friday; Friday
     Zhang Huimei is a famous Chinese popular star. Young people call her A-Mei. She comes from the
 small town of Taidong, Taiwai. A-Mei has eight brothers and sisters. Her parents love her very much.
  A-Mei has a very beautiful (动听的) voice. When she was schoolgirl, she sang songs (唱歌)on TV. At
 last (最后), she becomes a poplar star. She works with another (又一个) popular star. Zhang Yusheng.
  The two sing songs together (一起). It is a great success (成功). Now all Chinese people know her and
  her beautiful voice.
1. Zhang Huimei is a _____.
    A. movie star  
    B. popular star  
    C. great actress
2. A-Mei has _____ brothers and sister.
    A. six  
    B. seven  
    C. eight
3. She work with another pop star _____.
    A. Zhang Yu  
    B. Zhang Yusheng  
    C. Zhang Yimou
4. When she was _____. she sang songs on TV.

    A. a child  
    B. a school girl  
    C. famous

5. Which of the following is NOT true?
    A. Her parents love her very much.  
    B. She has a good voice.  
    C. She isn"t popular in Taiwan

     It"s a photo of Han Han. He is a young writer (年轻作家) in _1_. Many students like _2_ books,
because some of them are about students" life. Han Han is _3_ Shanghai. He"s twenty-eight _4_ old.
He can _5_ Chinese and English. Han Han likes running, playing football _6_ computer games. He often
_7_ on his blog (博客). Students can read his articles (文章) on it. Han Han has _8_ yellow dog. It likes
to _9_ with him. Do you know what Han Han"s favorite _10_ is? It"s the watermelon (西瓜).
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(     )1.A. America    
(     )2.A. he        
(     )3.A. of        
(     )4.A. days      
(     )5.A. show      
(     )6.A. but        
(     )7.A. watches    
(     )8.A. a          
(     )9.A. learn about      
(     )10.A. vegetable
B. Chinese    
B. his        
B. on          
B. months      
B. find        
B. and        
B. writes      
B. an          
B. look around               
B. fruit      
C. China      
C. him        
C. from      
C. years      
C. speak      
C. or        
C. spells    
C. the        
C. run around                                            
C. dessert    
     Yao Ming, the center of the Chinese National Men"s Basketball Team, served the Houston Rockets in 2002 in NBA. The 2.26m, 120kg center became the first player to come from a foreign team.
     Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother was a center and captain (队长)of
the Chinese National Women"s Team. His father played basketball, too.
     Yao Ming is widely known in China. He came to be a very important basketball player in CBA. It"s
short for China Basketball Association  (联赛). During the 2000-2001 season, he got 27.1 scores (得分)
for the Shanghai Oriental (东方)Sharks in every match.
     Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in October, 2002. He said it was a new start in his basketball
life. He would do his best to learn from the NBA and improve (提高)himself.
     Sport analyst (分析家) Bill Walton said,"Yao Ming has the potential (潜力) the capability (能力) of
changing the future of basketball."
1.The Houston Rockets is the name of a _____ team.
A. table tennis
B. volleyball
C. basketball
D. golf
2.Both Yao Ming"s father and mother were _____.
A. football players
B. basketball players
C. the centers of the Chinese National Team
D. the captains of the Chinese National Team
3.Yao Ming _____ in CBA during the 2000-2001 season.
A. does well
B. is good
C. was good
D. did well
4.Yao Ming _____ the Houston Rockets in October, 2002.
A. did his best to join
B. was well-known in
C. became a member (成员)of
D. liked
5.Sport analyst Bill Walton thought Yao Ming was able to _____.
A. learn from the NBA
B. change the future of basketball
C. improve himself
D. became the captain of the Houston Rockets