完形填空。     A rich father wanted to show his son how poor people can be. One day,

完形填空。     A rich father wanted to show his son how poor people can be. One day,

完形填空。     A rich father wanted to show his son how poor people can be. One day, he took his young son __1__
  a trip to the country. They __2__ a day and night in the farm of a very __3__ family. When they got back
  from their trip the father asked his son, "how was the __4__ ?"
     "Very good, Dad!"
     "Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked.
     "And what did you __5__ ?"
     The son answered, "I saw that we have a dog at home, but they have four. We have a pool that
 reaches to the middle of the garden. They have a small river that has no __6__ . We have expensive
 lamps in the garden, but they have the __7__ . Our…"
     When the little boy was finishing, his father was __8__ .
     His son added, "Thanks, dad, for showing me __9__ poor we are!"
     Isn"t it true that it all depends on the way you look at things? If you have love, friends, family, health,
 good humor and a positive attitude (积极的态度) toward life, you"ve got __10__ !(     ) 1. A. on          
(     ) 2. A. took        
(     ) 3. A. rich         
(     ) 4. A. trip         
(     ) 5. A. say         
(     ) 6. A. top          
(     ) 7. A. suns         
(     ) 8. A. wordless     
(     ) 9. A. what        
(     ) 10. A. nothing    B. in      
B. paid    
B. poor    
B. idea    
B. learn    
B. bottom  
B. stars      
B. happy    
B. how      
B. something  C. at      
C. spent    
C. good    
C. way      
C. remember  
C. end      
C. tents    
C. excited  
C. why      
C. anything  D. to            
D. cost          
D. happy        
D. life          
D. write        
D. cover        
D. cages        
D. pleased      
D. when          
D. everything    
1—5:  A C B A B     6—10: C B A B D

阅读理解。     In a New York street, a small truck hit a big tree. The truck was full of glasses and they were all
 broken. The driver came out of the truck and looked at the broken glasses. He was very sad and people
  in the street felt sorry for him. Then an old man walked over to the driver. He looked at him for a few
 minutes and said, "My poor boy! I think you must pay a lot for this." "Yes," was the sad answer.
     "Well, well," said the old man, "hold out your hat, here"s some money for you, and I can say that some
  of these people will give you a helping hand, too." Then he walked away.
     The driver held out his hat and over a hundred people came and put their money in it. At last, the driver
  took out a bag and put all the money in it. Then he looked at the people and said, "Well, thank you very
 much. But you didn"t know that the old man is the owner of the truck. I"m driving and making money for
 him."1. What did the truck hit?       A. An old man.      
    B. A big tree.    
    C. Some glasses.    
    D. A big hat. 2. How did the driver feel when he looked at the broken glasses?    A. Afraid and excited.    
    B. Pleased and frightened.  
    C. Unhappy and worried.  
    D. Surprised and happy. 3. Why did people give the driver money?    A. Because they felt sorry for him.          
    B. Because the knew the old man.
    C. Because they wanted to help the old man.  
    D. Because they were the driver"s friends 4. From the passage we know that _____ .     A. The old gave the young man a hat  
    B. The old man was the driver"s father
    C. The driver became rich        
    D. The driver had to give the money to the old man
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     One morning Mrs Petty said to her husband, "Jack, there"s a meeting of our Ladies Club at
Mrs Young"s house at lunchtime today, and I want to go there. I"ll leave you some food for your
lunch. Is that all right?
     "Oh, yes." her husband answered, "That"s quite all right. What are you going to leave for my
     "This tin of fish." Mrs Petty said, "And there are some eggs and vegetables and some bread
here, too."
     "Good." said Mr Petty. Then Mrs Petty went to her meetings. All the ladies had lunch at
Mrs Young"s house and at 3 o"clock Mrs Petty came home.
     "Was your fish nice, Jack?" She asked.
     "Yes, but my feet are hurting." He answered.
     "Why are they hurting?" Mrs Petty asked.
     "Well, on the tin was written ---OPEN THE TIN AND STAND IN HOT WATER FOR FIVE
MINUTES."1. Mrs Petty wanted to __________.A. visit her old friends
B. go to Mrs Young"s house
C. have a dinner in the restaurant
D. have lunch by herself2. Mr Petty had to __________.A. buy some food himself
B. cook dinner for Mrs Petty
C. have lunch at a restaurant
D. have lunch by himself at home3. Mrs Petty had her lunch __________.A. at home
B. with her husband
C. in Mrs Young"s house
D. in Jack"s house4. Mr Petty"s feet were hurting because __________.A. the tin of fish hurt his feet
B. he fell down and hurt his feet
C. he himself stood in hot water for 5 minutes
D. his wife didn"t tell him how to open the tin5. In the last sentence, "STAND" means __________.A. put
B. push
C. send
D. sink(浸)
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     I heard the bees long before I saw them.
     It was a very hot afternoon, and we decided to cool off in the river near my home. As we climbed
down a small rocky (石头的) hill toward the water, my boyfriend John suddenly started to shout then
jumped into the water below. Peter and Mary quickly followed but I was too far away to jump. I was
    I heard a low hum (嗡嗡声),which was growing louder. From a distance (距离), the group of bees
looked almost like a cloud of smoke. As it got closer, I knew it was thousands of bees flying towards
     All I could do was cover my face with hands. Crazily, I thought that if I sat very still, the bees would
think I was just another rock.
     After a few minutes, I  knew  my  plan  didn"t work. The bees were attacking me. I  could hear my
friends shouting at me to get down to the pool fast.
     But it wasn"t so easy. I was in great pain (疼痛) and the only way I could get away was to use my
hands to climb down the rocks. However, I was afraid to do that at first because  my  face would be
unprotected. The noise the bees made was so loud and frightening, but I had no way. I rushed down
the rocks and jumped into the pool, but  I don"t remember doing it. I was just so  happy to  be  free
from the pain. I was safe, and the water felt wonderful.
     But we still weren"t out of danger. Every  time  we  tried to  climb out  of  the pool, the bees flew
back over our heads. We spent the next three hours in the water, putting our heads under the water
from time to time to keep away the bees until they finally lost interest.1. How many people went swimming that day?  A. Two.    
B. Three    
C. Four    
D. Five2. The underlined word "it" (in Paragraph 3) refers to        .A. a rock    
B. the group of bees    
C. a hill    
D. the river3. At first why didn"t the writer want to climb down the rocks?A. She was afraid she would fall.
B. She was too far away from pool.
C. She thought the bees would follow her.
D. She didn"t want her face to be unprotected.4. How did the writer escape (逃离) the bees?A. She covered her face with her hands.
B. She hid behind the rocks.
C. She jumped into a water pool.
D. She pretended (假装) to be a rock.
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Joe Brown had a shop. He sold(卖) meat in his shop. One Thursday a woman came into his shop at
five to one. "I"m sorry I"m late," she said. "I need some more meat for my dinner tonight." Joe had only
one piece of meat in his shop. He took it out of the fridge and said, "This is$6.50." "That piece is too
small." the woman said, "haven"t you for anything bigger?" Joe went into the room behind his shop, put
the piece of meat into the fridge, took it out again and closed the door with lots of noise. Then he brought
the piece of meat to the woman and said, "This piece of meat is bigger and more expensive. It"s $8.75."
"Good," the woman said with a smile,"give me both of them."1. Joe Brown was __________.A. a waiter
B. a runner
C. an actor
D. a shopkeeper2. When did the woman come to Joe"s shop?A. Early in the morning.
B. Early in the afternoon.
C. Late in the morning.
D. At about one o"clock at night.3. Why didn"t the woman want that piece of meat?

A. Because she had no money.
B. Because it was bad.
C. Because it wasn"t big enough.
D. Because it was too big.

4. How many pieces of meat were kept in the fridge?

A. Only one piece of meat.
B. Two pieces of meat.
C. Several pieces of meat.
D. Many pieces of meat.

5. Could Joe give the woman both pieces of meat?A. Of course not.
B. Certainly.
C. He would try his best.
D. Yes, he could.
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案

     Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had three sons. One day, he called them together
and said, "Sons, I will die soon. To my oldest son I give half my camels, to my second, one-third
(三分之一), and to my youngest, one-ninth (九分之一)." Soon after that he died.
     Now, the old man had seventeen camels, and the three brothers didn"t know how to do as their
father said. They thought a long time about the problem, and it seemed that they must either kill some
of the camels and cut them into pieces, or disobey their father. At last they went to their father"s old
friend and asked for his advice. As soon as he heard their story, he said, "I will help you. I was a
good friend of your father"s. I am old. I have only one camel, but take it-it is yours." The three sons
thanked the old man and took his camel. Now they found it was easy to do as their father wished,
The oldest took half that was nine camels; the second took one-third, that was six; and the youngest
took one-ninth, that was two.
     After each had got his camels, they found that there was still a camel there. So, to show their thanks
to their father"s friend, they gave the camel back to him.

1. "Once upon a time" means "__________".A. long long ago
B. not very long ago
C. at once
D. sometimes 2. The meaning of "disobey" in the second paragraph is "__________".A. 服从
B. 违背
C. 听从
D. 嘲笑 3. The meaning of "asked for his advice" in the second paragraph is " __________".A. 向他请教
B. 问他数量
C. 批评他
D. 劝告他4. The second old man __________ the three brothers.A. was good to
B. was not good to
C. didn"t like
D. cheated(哄骗) 5. Both the two old men in the story were __________.A. foolish
B. clever
C. poor
D. rich
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