选词填空。happy, interest, problem, never, get away, eye, run, tire, have, miss, catc

选词填空。happy, interest, problem, never, get away, eye, run, tire, have, miss, catc

题型:新疆自治区同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:新疆自治区同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
happy, interest, problem, never, get away, eye, run, tire, have, miss, catch, think
4.get away
6. running  
7. tired  
8. have  
9. think  
10. miss
  Mr. Clark was a very busy man. He always worked hard. He often forgot
his family"s birthdays.
  Yesterday afternoon, he remembered it was Mrs. Clark, his wife"s birthday.
He loved his wife. He w anted to give her a present(礼物).On his way home his
hospital he bought some nice flowers in shop.
  When Mr. Clark got home, he gave his wife the flowers and said"happy
birthday to you, dear! It"s September 28th today. I remembered your birthday this
year." Mrs Clark laughed and said, "My birthday was the day before yesterday.
But thank you all the same. Better late than never!"
1.Why did Mr Clark often forget his family"s birthdays ? Because _____.
A. he didn"t like them          
B. he was very busy
C. they didn"t tell him        
D. he didn"t want to remember them
2. He bought _____for his wife"s birthday this time.
A. some books    
B. a nice dress    
C. some nice flowers    
D. a lot of fruit
3. Mrs Clark _____when she got the present.
A. was happy
B. wasn"t happy
C. was busy cooking
D. was at cook
4. Mr Clark was _____.
A. a teacher
B. a farmer
C. an officer worker
D. a doctor
5. Mrs Clark"s birthday was on _____.
A. September 26th    
B. September 28th    
C. September 29th    
D. September20th
  One day, Mr Green went into a tailor"s shop(裁缝店)with a piece of
material. He wanted to have the tailor make some suits for him. He handed the
material to the tailor, who said, "You should have brought more material. This is
not enough." Mr Green had to leave in disappointment(失望). He soon found
another tailor"s shop and went in. This tailor didn"t say that the material was not
  Several days later, Mr Green came to fetch(取)his new suits. He was
satisfied with(对……满意)them. But, at the same time, he saw the tailor"s son
wearing suits made of the same material as his . He was puzzled (不解的),so he
asked the tailor, "why did the first tailor say the material was not enough?" The
tailor answered, "Because he has three sons. I have only one".
(     )1. The material was Mr Green"s.
(     )2. Mr Green asked the first tailor to make some suits for his son.
(     )3. The second tailor thought the material was not enough.
(     )4. The second tailor made new suits for his son and Mr Green with the
(     )5. The first tailor had three sons and the second one had only one.
     One day Mrs Wilson took Trudy and Ben to go shopping. They went to the supermarket in the new
shopping mall (购物中心).
     "Why do you buy things here, Mum?" Trudy asked.
     "Because they are cheaper than those at the corner store," Mrs Wilson said. "Help me check (检查)
the prices."
     The Wilsons were not wealthy (富有的) and Mrs Wilson was always careful with her money. She
looked carefully at the prices of things. She bought some groceries(杂货) in the supermarket.
When they got home, the children said, "We don"t think you saved money by going to the supermarket
     "Of course I did," said Mrs Wilson, "everything was cheap there."
     "We know," said the children, "but we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry. The
cost (花费) of the taxi was more than the money you saved!"
     Mrs Wilson added everything up and found her children were right.
     "Well done," she said, "next time we will do shopping near our home."
1. Mrs Wilson took Trudy and Ben ________.
A. to the supermarket
B. to the zoo
C. to the park
D. to the museum
2. Mrs Wilson bought things in the supermarket in the new shopping mall because ________.
A. goods there had good quality
B. there were many goods
C. goods there were cheap
D. goods there were expensive
3. Which of the following is correct?
A. The Wilsons were rich and they bought a lot of things in the supermarket.
B. The Wilsons were not rich and they bought things in a cheaper supermarket.
C. The Wilsons enjoyed shopping in the shopping mall because it was large.
D. The Wilsons were poor and they seldom went shopping.
4. Mrs Wilson went home ________.
A. by bus
B. by minibus
C. by taxi
D. on foot
5. Mrs Wilson decided to go shopping  ________ next time.
A. in the shopping mall far away
B. in the cheapest shop
C. in the most expensive shop
D. near her home
     One day two brothers went fishing. They had a dog with them. When they came near the river, they
threw caps __1__ a big stone and went to the river bank to __2__. It __3__ cold that day, __4__soon  
they began to want their caps. They __5__ the dog to go back __6__them. When the dog got there, he
tried to take the two caps together in his __7__ at the same time. It was very difficult. Then the dog saw
that one __8__ the caps was smaller __9__ the other. He put the smaller cap in the _10__ one and took
them to the two brothers.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. to      
(     )2. A. swim    
(     )3. A. was    
(     )4. A. because
(     )5. A. had    
(     )6. A. for    
(     )7. A. hands  
(     )8. A. from    
(     )9. A. as      
(     )10. A. large  
B. at    
B. skate  
B. is    
B. so    
B. told  
B. with  
B. eyes  
B. between
B. like  
B. bigger
C. on      
C. look    
C. be      
C. since  
C. let    
C. on      
C. nose    
C. of      
c. with    
C. biggest
D. of          
D. fish        
D. will be    
D. as          
D. made        
D. to          
D. mouth      
D. during      
D. than        
D. largest    
     Mr. s Green lives in the country (乡村), and she doesn"t know London very well. One day, she goes
to London. She can"t find her __1__. Just then she __2__ a man near a bus stop.  
      "I can ask him the way," she says to __3__ and asks," Excuse me, will you please __4__ me the way
to King Street?" The man smiles with __5__ answer. He __6__ know English. He speaks Russian. He is
a visitor. Then he __7__ his hand into his pocket (口袋), __8__ a piece of paper and lets her __9__ it.
On the paper are these words, "Sorry, I __10__ English.
题型:新疆自治区同步题难度:| 查看答案


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(    )1. A. street          
(    )2. A. loo ks          
(    )3. A. herself        
(    )4. A. tell            
(    )5. A. not            
(    )6. A. don"t          
(    )7. A. puts            
(    )8. A. bring out      
(    )9. A. to see          
(    )10. A. am not speak  
B. way              
B. watches          
B. himself          
B. talk              
B. an                
B. doesn"t          
B. takes            
B. take out          
B. look out          
B. don"t speak      
C. room        
C. sees        
C. itself      
C. say        
C. no          
C. isn"t      
C. carries    
C. takes out  
C. to look out
C. don"t say