完形填空。     Vanilla is my best friend. She is a lovely girl with two big, beautifu

完形填空。     Vanilla is my best friend. She is a lovely girl with two big, beautifu

完形填空。     Vanilla is my best friend. She is a lovely girl with two big, beautiful eyes. But she always hides them  1  a
pair of black glasses. 
      One day, however, I  2  ended our friendship. I remember that day clearly. We were  3  in the classroom.
The teacher was giving us our results of a Chinese exam. I had done badly. I felt so  4  that I wouldn"t talk to
anyone. At lunchtime, I even stayed in the classroom alone. Suddenly, I heard a  5 . It was Vanilla."You look
very unhappy," she said."What"s wrong?" I looked at her for a while, but said  6 . I knew Vanilla had got a
good mark (分数) in the exam. I thought she was  7  me. I sat silently, but Vanilla didn"t go away. She  8  
asking me questions,"Is it because of the exam? Do you want me to tell you the right  9 ?" I looked away
from her. When I looked up again, Vanilla had gone. And so had my exam paper! I didn"t know  10  to do. I
looked for my paper everywhere, but couldn"t find it.
     In the afternoon, Vanilla came up to my desk and  11  me my exam paper back. I looked at it and got a
big 12 . Vanilla had written the right answers next to every one of my mistakes. How  13  she was! My face
turned red. I wanted to hug her, but I only held her hands and said,"Thank you." That afternoon,  14  Vanilla
and I were on the way home, I felt quite happy and thanked her again. We are  15  best friends.
(     )1. A. behind    
(     )2. A. slowly    
(     )3. A. singing   
(     )4. A. happy     
(     )5. A. voice     
(     )6. A. everything
(     )7. A. knocking at
(     )8. A. forgot    
(     )9. A. answers   
(     )0. A. that      
(     )1. A. gave      
(     )2. A. pain      
(     )3. A. kind      
(     )4. A. whether   
(     )5. A. still     
B. below     
B. quickly   
B. sitting   
B. sad       
B. sound     
B. something 
B. shouting at
B. kept      
B. exams     
B. who       
B. turned    
B. interest  
B. brave     
B. when      
B. yet       
C. among      
C. nearly     
C. dancing    
C. funny      
C. noise      
C. anything   
C. laughing at
C. practiced  
C. results    
C. which      
C. carried    
C. surprise   
C. healthy    
C. after      
C. also       
D. near       
D. happily    
D. playing    
D. excited    
D. cry        
D. nothing    
D. pointing at
D. remembered 
D. notes      
D. what       
D. moved      
D. fun        
D. careless                        
D. unless     
D. ever       
1-5    ACBBA    6-10    DCBAD    11-15    ACABA
     Once, a gentleman was traveling on a bus. He felt thirsty and got off at a station in search of water.
However, before he got back to the bus, it left and he missed it.    1    He went to the nearby hotels to ask for
a room but found none.
     At last he reached a hut (小屋). He asked the owner of the hut whether he could stay in his house for a
day. The owner agreed. On that day the owner served him food and gave him a room to stay in, but did not
ask for or expect anything in return. 
       2   The owner opened the door. A well-dressed man entered and asked the owner to pay his debts (债务).
     The gentleman came to know that the owner was in need of money.   3   When the owner saw the money,
he found that there was also a note. It read,"   4   Yesterday I heard the conversation between you and the
stranger and came to know that you were in need of money. This is what you need."
题型:福建省期末题难度:| 查看答案
A. You helped me but did not expect anything from me.
B. The man decided to find a place for a day"s stay.
C. The next morning he left some money on the table in the room and left.
D. At night when it was about eight o"clock,the gentleman heard a knock at the door.
用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空, 使短文正确、通顺、连贯(每词限用一次)。
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
in  leave  I   alone   either   stop  drive    hard    meet     hungry
     Hundreds of years ago, a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland The Scots, a
brave people, loved their country very much. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland, but there
were too many of the Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.
     One night, the leader of Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill."We will rest here tonight, my men,"
he said,"Tomorrow we will fight one more battle. We must win or we will die."
     They were all very tired, so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty,
but they too, were very tired, and one by one, also fell asleep.
     The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they climbed up the
hillside, taking care not to make a sound. Closer and closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost
at the top. A few minutes more, the war would be over. Suddenly, one of them put his foot on a thistle (蓟).
He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a moment, they were on their feet and ready for battle.
The fighting was hard but it did not last long. The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved their country.
     The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people like it. But the people of
Scotland liked it so much that they made it their national flower.
1. Hundreds of years ago there was a war between ______.
A. Roman army and North England
B. Roman army and the Scots
C. England and Scots
D. A brave people and the Scots
2. At first it looked as if the Romans would win because ______.
A. the Scots were not brave
B. the Roman army was so strong
C. the Scots did not have a good leader
D. the Romans had the support from the Scottish
3. We must win or we will die." What the leader of the Scots said means ______.
A. they were sure to win
B. they couldn"t escape from death
C. they would win and then they would die
D. they must try hard to win, otherwise they would be killed
4. The Romans climbed up the hill quietly because ______.
A. they didn"t want to wake the Scots
B. they wanted to reach the top
C. they wanted to catch the four guards first
D. they were afraid of the sharp needles of the thistle
5. The people of Scotland made thistle their national flower because ______.
A. it is a beautiful plant
B. it is fresh and lovely
C. it had so many sharp needles all over it
D. it was the thistle that helped the Scots to win the battle
     One summer morning, I was walking in the street when I ran into a stranger passing by. "I am sorry" was
my reply. Then he said, "Excuse me, too! I even didn"t notice you." We were very   1   , this stranger and I.
Then we went on our   2   after saying goodbye.
     But at home, a different story is told. How do we treat our loved ones, young and old? Later in the kitchen, 
  3   I cooked our meal, my daughter walked up to me, without any sound. When I turned around, I nearly 
  4   her down."Get out of the way!" I shouted. She stepped away   5   , with her little heart broken. I didn"t
realize how rudely I had spoken.
      That night, when I lay awake in bed, God"s quiet voice spoke to me and said, "While   6   with a stranger,
you are calm and polite, but with those you love, you are quick to get angry and look around the kitchen floor,
you will find some flowers she brought for you. She   7   them herself-pink, yellow, and your favorite blue.
She stood there quietly, and you   8   saw the tears in her eyes." 
     By this time my tears had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt (跪) by her bed,"   9   , my dear," I said,
"Are these the flowers you wanted to give to me?" She smiled,"Yes, they"re just for you. I knew you"d like
them, especially the blue," I said,"I am sorry that I   10   them today-and I shouldn"t have shouted at you that
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. calm  
(     )2. A. road  
(     )3. A. after   
(     )4. A. put    
(     )5. A. hurriedly
(     )6. A. going   
(     )7. A. bought  
(     )8. A. almost  
(     )9. A. Get up  
(     )10. A. destroy
B. happy     
B. talk      
B. as        
B. turned    
B. silently      
B. fighting 
B. picked      
B. hardly   
B. Stand up   
B. forgot  
C. polite   
C. argument 
C. before    
C. knocked  
C. angrily    
C. speaking  
C. stole    
C. never     
C. Wake up   
C. noticed  
D. careful        
D. way       
D. if            
D. threw     
D. excitedly         
D. meeting  
D. made         
D. even         
D. Sit up       
D. missed    
     David Moore taught science at the City School. He needed some expensive books, so he bought them. He
put the books in his car in a quiet street. Then he went to other shops to buy something else. At six he came
back to the car. One door was open and the books were not there. David drove home.
     That night he wrote a letter to a newspaper. The next day he went to the police station.
      On Friday people read this in the newspaper:
     Books: Have you any old books? I buy old and modern books.
     Open all day on Saturday. David Moore. 26 Fry Road.
     David stayed at home on Saturday. The first man came at eight. David took him to the kitchen (厨房). At
half past nine another man arrived. He had a bag under his arm.
     "Mr Moore?" the man asked.
     "That"s right," David said."Can I help you?"
     "I"ve got some good books. You buy books, don" t you?"
      "Yes. Bring them in. Let me have a look."
     Soon the books were on the dining table." Come in now," David called," and bring the list." A policeman
came into the dining- room. He read the names on the books and the names on the list in his hand. They were
the same. "Come with me, sir," the policeman said to the man.
1. Mr Moore was a _____ .
A. bookseller
B. student
C. teacher
D. shopkeeper
2. The first man to David" s was a _____.
A. thief(小偷)
B. policeman
C. driver
D. cook
3. From the story, we know the second man _____.
A. is one of David" s friends
B. wants to return the the books to David
C. wants to show the books to David
D. has read the newspaper
4. Which of the following shows the right order of what happened to David?
a. He left his car in a quiet street.
b. He went to the police station.
c. He wrote a letter to a newspaper.
d. He bought some dear books.
e. He bought something else at other shops.
A. a,b,c,d,e
B. e,d,c,a,b
C. d,a,e,c,b
D. c,d,e,a,b
5. David probably (可能)bought the books on _____.
A. Wednesday
B. Friday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday