阅读理解。     Kunsang Dekyi was an ordinary teenager who lived a quiet life in Yushu

阅读理解。     Kunsang Dekyi was an ordinary teenager who lived a quiet life in Yushu

阅读理解。     Kunsang Dekyi was an ordinary teenager who lived a quiet life in Yushu, Qinghai. However, the April
14 earthquake made her famous quickly.
     When her house fell down with her family still inside, the 16-year-old Tibetan girl dug for a whole day
using only her hands. In the end, she was able to save all nine members of her family.
     On the morning when the earthquake took place, Kunsang Dekyi was on her way to get a photocopy (复印件) of her ID card. Suddenly she saw the ground shaking and houses falling down. She ran back home to
find her house buried (埋) by rocks.
     With tears on her face, Kunsang Dekyi began taking away the heavy rocks and digging with her hands.
     Two hours later, she found her mother."I first pulled my mother out. I was so excited that I totally forgot
the pain in my fingers," she said.
     After about 12 hours of digging, Kunsang Dekyi saved all nine of her family members.
     Kunsang Dekyi"s story quickly spread around the quake areas and the whole country. Her story is really
moving and encouraging.
Now, Kunsang Dekyi and her family are living in a makeshift house (板房). 1. How old is Kunsang Dekyi?
2. How many people did Kunsang Dekyi save in the earthquake? 
3. Where was Kunsang Dekyi when the earthquake took place?  
4. How did Kunsang Dekyi feel when she pulled her mother out?
10. 请将画线句子翻译成汉语。
1. Sixteen (16). / She"s 16 (sixteen) years old.
2. She saved nine people (members of her family) / Nine (9) / Nine (9) people.
3. (She was) on her way to get a photocopy (of her ID card). / She was on her way home.
4. (She was) very (so) excited. / Excited.
5. 她的故事确实令人感动 (很动人 / 很感人)、鼓舞人心 (催人奋进/ 令人鼓舞)。
阅读理解。     On a hot summer day, Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of
wine, they lay down in a tent for the night and went to sleep.
     Some hours later, Holmes woke up and pushed his friend. "Watson, look! What can you see in the sky?"
     Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars."
     "What does that tell you?" asked Holmes.
     Watson thought for a while. "First, it tells me that we will have a beautiful clear date tomorrow. Second,
it tells me that the time is about twelve o"clock. And…"
     "What else?" Holmes asked.
     "Well, it also reminds me that the world is so big and we are so small. What does that tell you?"
     Holmes said with a grin on his face, "You silly guy! It only tells me that someone has stolen our tent!" 1. One day, Holmes and Dr. Watson went _____. A. swimming
B. camping
C. hiking
D. rock-climbing 2. Holmes woke up _____. A. in the middle of the night
B. early in the morning
C. soon after he fell asleep
D. after Watson pushed him3. Watson thought of at least _____ things after he saw the stars. A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five 4. When Holmes saw the stars in the sky, he realized that _____. A. it would be a beautiful clear day
B. it was about twelve o"clock
C. the world was so big and they were so small
D. someone had stolen their tent 5. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. The story happened in the afternoon.
B. They had some wine before they went to sleep.
C. Holmes asked Watson questions because Holmes didn"t know what happened.
D. Holmes thought Watson was clever.
题型:广东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Mr. Hutman owns a restaurant. One day, one of his two cooks ran away with some money. Mr. Hutman
was sad and worried because the next day was Saturday, and the restaurant  1  very busy then. So that
night he called his friends, but could not find anyone to help.
     On Saturday, many people came to the restaurant for lunch.  2  cook got so busy that he wanted to
leave, too.  3 , one of the waiters, Henry, told Mr. Hutman that he could help in the kitchen. People who had
lunch in the restaurant that day enjoyed the food Henry cooked. Mr. Hutman was very happy and made Henry
a new cook of the restaurant.
题型:台湾省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1.  A. would be
(     )2.  A. One    
(     )3.  A. Also  
B. is    
B. Each  
B. In fact 
C. has been 
C. Another 
C. Luckily 
D. will be    
D. The only                                   
D. For example
     Stanley was a person who loved singing to himself in the bath. One cold winter night, he went into the
bathroom to have a hot bath. He took off his clothes and turned on the tap, but there was no hot water─the
water from the tap was cold.
     Stanley didn"t know what was wrong, but he finally decided to take a bath without hot water. He started
to sing as usual, one song after another. Stanley was surprised that the water felt warm this way. So he kept
singing, louder and louder, until he finished his bath. 
    The next morning when Stanley was going to work, he saw a piece of paper on his door:
题型:台湾省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:广西自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:海南省中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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     Please do not sing so loud! Every time you sing, I get a headache, and my baby
                                                                              The poor mother next door
     Mr Brown saw a sweater in a shop window. It was very cheap, so he bought it. When he got home, he
put it on. It was all right and he was pleased with it.
     In the afternoon, he went to work in his garden. It soon began to rain and Mr Brown had to run into the
house. He ran quickly, but he still got wet. Then his sweater started to shrink (收缩)! It got smaller and
smaller. Mr Brown tried to take it off, but he couldn"t.
     In the end, with the help of his wife, he got out of the sweater. Mrs Brown laughed, "You see, you bought
a cheap thing, but…"
1. Mr Brown saw a nice _____ in a shop window. And he bought it.
A. jacket
B. coat
C. sweater
D. shirt
2. When he _____, he put it on.
A. got to the office
B. got home
C. went to work
D. went to the shop
3. It soon began to _____ while he was working in the garden.
A. rain
B. snow
C. cloud
D. shine
4. Mr Brown got wet and he tried to _____ the sweater.
A. take away
B. take off
C. put up
D. put on
5. From the story, we know Mr Brown bought _____.
A. a good sweater
B. an expensive sweater
C. a comfortable sweater
D. a cheap but not good sweater
     A man and a woman had a son many years after they married. They had a happy family and the boy
was the apple of their eyes.
When the boy was four years old, an accident happened. One night the father
was very tired after work, so he asked his wife to meet their son and take him home. The mother was very
busy in the kitchen, and she forgot about it.
     Later the boy lost his way in the street. When the mother found this, she went to look for him, but she
couldn"t find him. Then she went to the police station to ask for help. She was very sad and didn"t know
how to face her husband. After hearing the bad news, the father hurried to the police station. When he saw
his wife, he didn"t blame (责备) her. Instead he said, "I love you, darling!"
     "If I had picked him up or found this earlier, this would not have happened," the father said to himself.
He thought there was no point in blaming anyone. His wife also lost her only child. What he could give her
was just understanding. Several weeks later, with the help of the police, they finally found their lost son.
From then on, they became closer than before.
     When something bad happens, people always spend lots of time blaming others instead of giving them
support. Try to learn to forgive (原谅), and then you will find the world is much more wonderful.
1. The father didn"t pick the boy up that day because he was ________.
A. sick
B. tired
C. busy
2. The mother asked ________ for help when she couldn"t find her son.
A. her husband
B. her neighbor
C. the police
3. The underlined sentence "the boy was the apple of their eyes" means ________.
A. the boy was loved deeply by his parents
B. the boy liked eating apples
C. the boy"s face was round like an apple
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The mother was angry with her husband.
B. The father thought his wife should be blamed.
C. The boy was safe and sent home by the police at last.
5. The passage mainly tells us that we should _________.
A. forgive and understand others
B. blame each other
C. take good care of children